A Bit of Jealousy

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Flug's pov

    Slug was visiting me again, t has been 4 days since I was first brought here. Meaning I had just about one more day until I was able to leave. The wound has almost completely healed and was almost a complete scar.

    "I can't wait until tomorrow, I will finally get to have you all to myself again." Slug said.

    "Yep, and we can finally get back to working on the Multidimensional Machine." I said a bit of joy mixing in with my words.

    "Oh, so that's what it's called." He said, I chuckled. "I've been working on it even though you are not there to help, I feel like it is almost done." He said.

    "When we get this figured out and I get to go back to my dimension, I'll make sure to visit you often." I told him. "Do you by any chance have a cloning machine?"

    "Uh yeah, I made one years ago." He said in a 'Who do you think I am' kind of way.

    "Well when we get done with my Multidimensional Machine we can clone it so we both have a way to get back and fourth!" I shouted a bit with excitement.

   "Hey that's a good idea, why didn't I think of that?" He asked himself.

    "We can also let the hats use it when they want to see each other!" I told him. It was obvious that we were excited. We heard the door open.

    "Sorry, mister Flys, visiting hours are almost over. We are going to have to tell you to leave in 5 minutes, so finish things up." Said the doctor who was still by the door. The second he shut the door Slug looked at me.

   "Your name is Flys? (It's pronounced Fly-is)" I questioned.

    "Yeah, why? Is that weird?" He questioned.

    "No, it's just that my last name is Slys. Your last nae starts with a 'f' and mine starts with a 's'." I said.

    "What are you getting at?" He sounded confused.

    "That means the first letter of our first and last names are flipped! Your first name starts with 's' and my last name starts with a 's', my first name starts with a 'f' your last name starts with a 'f'. Don't you see?" I asked.

    "Oh, I get it now. It's so adorable how you noticed that." Slug said seeming to understand. He looked at the time, 6:59. Visiting hours ended at 7pm. He lifted both of our bags and we kissed. The second we had separated the doctor came in to tell us that Slug had to go.

    I sighed, I've grown used to having Slug in bed with me. But now he isn't here. At least I get to go back to the WhiteHat mansion tomorrow.

~The Next Day~

    I woke up to the still somewhat unfamiliar room. The sound of constant beeping was really starting to get on my nerves. I hated the whitewalls, the small design of the room, the fact that I could everyone who walked by my room. It sucked! I can't wait to go home, or what I can call home as long that I am in this dimension.

   I heard a knock on the door. I looked up to see a a nurse in the door way.

    "H-how do you feel, Mr.Slys?" She sounded a bit nervous, this must be her first day.

    "I feel fine, my stomach just hurts a bit, but that's expected." I told her.

    "Oh, um if you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened? I know you hurt your stomach, but nobody told me the why or how." She asked.

Dr.Flug x Dr.Slug (Villainous)Where stories live. Discover now