Hostage (2007)

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Picture above is a screenshot I took while I was watching Halloween (2007)

The (H/C) haired girl had things truly rough ever since she was kidnapped by the notorious Michael Myers. He never let her go and he treated her as if she was some sick possession of his. Like she was a treasure he had found. She hated Michael with a passion and she always wanted him to know that. No one has respect for someone who takes them away from their life for their own sick advantage.

She knew that no one was coming to save her. Sometimes people who stumbled upon her have tried but they never lived long enough to even untie her. Michael had a twisted obsession with her because he believed that she was someone who understood him even though she didn't know anything about him other than the fact that he's the famous Haddonfield killer. He got angry if she told him she didn't know anything about him but she tried her best to calm him down in fear for her own life.

He was a very built guy, that was obvious to her. If it were under different circumstances she probably would have fallen for him but that was completely out of the question now. He wore this dirty blue jumpsuit and this hideous white mask to hide his true facial features. He wasn't a bad looking guy at all from what she's seen. There was a rare occasion where he removed the mask and she saw his long, messy brown hair and those eyes. Those blue eyes that can haunt anyone at first glance. In his grip was always a large kitchen knife that was never clean. Blood always stained the shiny surface because killing was how he let out most of his anger that he kept bottled up for years.

He was mostly gone from the house which left her to be all alone down in the basement. It was dark and cold down there but she was chained and forced to stay there. On the rare occasion that he was around, he'd never do much. He only would sit in the corner of the basement holding his head or looking at a small picture he kept in his pocket. She knew the picture meant a lot to him because at first glance it looked like a picture of him with a small baby. He was a child in the picture and he had those same blue eyes but his hair was long and blonde. His eyes seemed a lot kinder in the photo than they did nowadays.

She guessed that was before he become this heartless and soulless monster. But maybe he was always like that and just hid it well. She pulled herself from her wandering thoughts and leaned her back against the cold basement wall. The place was so old and worn down but it was like he had a connection to the place. He couldn't seem to ever move spots, it was like some sort of safe haven for him. She sighed and bit down on her bottom lip. Bruises lathered across her once soft and flawless skin. Now she was all messed up from when he got angry. He was never gentle either. She had marks all over from him losing his temper. She ran her fingers along the small black and blue spots on her skin and mentally cringed at her oily hair and dirty ripped clothes.

She was only dressed in dark sweatpants with a purple jacket to cover her top half. Her shoes had been long discarded and her socks were bloody and ripped up but they were her only cover for her feet. The room was still dark like it always was and everything was quiet. Too quiet. She knew he was here because his knife was stabbed into the wall like he always left it when he was here. Her hands moved against the chains to make noise that would gain his attention but nothing happened.

"Michael?" She called out desperate to see him only because he was the only human contact she had, even if he wasn't considered human. People all over Haddonfield called him the devil or a demon spawn. She was vaguely aware of the murders he committed as a child but she honestly didn't really blame him. The people he took out were the ones who tormented him on a daily basis. You can only bully someone for so long until they just snap. She assumed Michael did on Halloween.

She was snapped out of those thoughts when she heard the sound of heavy boots hitting the wooden stairs. She knew his attention was now on her which she liked. She supposed it was some twisted desire she had for any kind of contact, even if it was with Michael Myers. The man who could kill her with just the snap of his fingers. He was a powerful man and one you should never mess around with. He was ruthless and she knew he enjoyed it. There was no emotion left in him but his need to find his baby sister was what fueled some sort of happiness within him. It was a scary sight to see him happy since he's known for being angry and ruthless 24/7.

His large frame came into view as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs and just stared at her. She looked back at him and bit her lip. "Hey...uh...I just wanted to know if you were here still. It kinda keeps me calm even though you're um...well you. Maybe I have some sort of problem" She laughed nervously watching as his head tilted to the side as if he was questioning her. He slowly walked forward and kneeled down beside her, reaching a hand forward to stroke her cheek gently which made some dirt and blood smear onto her skin. She mentally cringed at the feel of it.

Micheal's hands were so warm yet rough and dirty. They were somewhat comforting to her but then again she was probably going insane from how long she's been here.  "I know they're looking for you. The police and Dr. Loomis" She spoke watching as his blue eyes bore into her (E/C) ones. "I won't let them take you away. I've made escapes while being here but it never got me anywhere so I've decided to just accept it all. I'll stay with you Michael" She told him.

She knew she made a horrid decision but she didn't care at the moment.

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