Hospital Terror (2007)

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The girl slowly woke up to the sound of machines beeping loudly around her. Her body felt extremely weak and it hurt to move but she felt bandages on her body along with blankets stuffed up around her. She had no memory of what happened to her that could have caused such a horrid accident. She had a feeling that it was no accident at all. She looked heard the door open and all of a sudden a nurse walked in and gave a sharp gasp.

"Oh! You're awake. That's great, sweetie. I'm sure you wanna know what happened" She told the young girl who only nodded eagerly desperate for some kind of reassurance that it wasn't something too horrific. The nurse gently sat down on the edge of her bed and looked at her.

"You were one of the many people who were attacked by him. Michael Myers. Only difference is that you're still breathing but you barely were when we found you" She told the girl with a small frown on her face. The girl's eyes widened and she immediately looked down at her hands, trying to make sure this was real and not some terrible nightmare. This was definitely real and it was definitely terrifying.

"But don't worry, he was pronounced dead at the scene because you shot him, right in the head. I know it wasn't easy and you're extremely scarred from that even if you took the life of a serial killer" The nurse spoke to her as she stood up from the girl's bed. "The doctor should be here any minute. Her name is (Y/N) or Dr. (L/N)" The nurse added on before smiling and leaving the teen girl alone with her thoughts.

Finally Dr. (L/N) arrived to the room. She just asked a couple questions and checked on things before sitting down in the seat beside the girl's bed. "So you're Laurie Strode?" Dr. (L/N) asked. The blonde girl slowly nodded and bit her lip gently. The doctor put a hand on Laurie's knee gently and gave a soft smile.

"I know things are rough but it'll get better. Now I'm gonna take this sample to the lab, I'll be right back" Dr. (L/N) told her before she left the room soon after. Her shoes echoed on the tile floor as she made her way to the laboratory where they tested samples. She felt the strange feeling of being watched and she stopped in her tracks hearing footsteps that were heavy and sounded like they were behind her.

She glanced around behind herself and saw that no one was there. She sighed softly at her paranoid self. All this Michael Myers stuff was really messing with her head. She kept walking forward but the footsteps were heard once more. She frowned softly and looked behind her. This time she saw someone and it was almost unbelievable. Blue jumpsuit that was blood stained. White mask. Large kitchen knife. Emotionless face.

This was Michael Myers.

Dr. (L/N) screamed and turned around, running off down the hall in an attempt to escape from him. No one was here except for two nurses but they couldn't hear her from down here. She was trapped in a room with this killer. She hid herself under a table and slammed her hand over her mouth in an attempt to silence her cries. Heavy footsteps were heard once more and she saw dirty brown boots stop in front of the table. She held her hand over her mouth tighter and felt tears fall down her cheeks.

The table was lifted up and so was she. Michael held her up until she was face to face with him. He tilted his head at her and tightened his grip on her neck, cutting off her ability to breathe. She gasped and clawed at his hand, trying to stop him. He was too strong though and she felt herself losing consciousness. Right before she could pass out, she was dropped to the ground and no one stood there anymore.

She looked around in confusion and then let out a gentle sigh. Had she really been imagining that whole thing? It felt so real. Her fears were really getting the best of her. Laurie's story was so traumatic that it made (Y/N)'s mind go crazy.

She felt a sharp blade at her neck and closed her eyes fearfully. Apparently she had not been imagining that.

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