Killing The Boogeyman (2007)

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Here's the request for KimAckermann thank you darling! Hope you enjoy :3. Love the H18 vibes. I really tried but this sucked and I'm sorry lol

"You don't understand do you?" (Y/N) questioned her friend with a soft scoff escaping her lips afterwards. "I've spent three years trying to forget what happened that night but it just keeps haunting me. Perhaps you'll never get it unless it happens to you" She spoke with a soft sigh. Her friend shook her head.

"I understand completely but you need to realize that he's locked away at that asylum need to let Michael go. Move on" She told (Y/N) who only bit her lip and stared at her seriously.

"Easy for you to say" (Y/N) told her before quickly leaving and going back to her car. She sat in the driver's seat and leaned her head against the steering wheel as fresh tears poured down her face harshly. She wiped them away and started to drive home.

She was unaware of the tall figure watching her from the bushes. Michael had easily escaped and his only goal was to finish her. The one that got away. With his mission in mind, he ventured off slowly following her car. She wouldn't get away this time around.

Darkness fell quite quickly and (Y/N) was exhausted from the tiring day she had looking out and making sure the knife wielding killer wasn't around. "God I'm such an idiot. He's locked away...I'm perfectly fine" She whispered in an attempt to reassure herself.

She placed her gun down next to her bed before climbing into it and letting out a deep sigh. Her eyes closed on their own as she drifted off into the world of dreams where she'd be safe for the most part. She had reoccurring dreams of that night...

(Y/N)'s fists pounded harshly on the wooden door as she kept periodically checking behind her only to see the man in the mask get closer to her each time. "Help! Tommy!" She screamed as she continued to bang her hands on the door. The man crept up closer until his hand wrapped around her throat and he lifted her high up into the air.

"Let me go! Stop!" She sobbed softly as she kicked at him and forced him to release her. She fell down on the grass and screamed as his knife swung down, plunging into the ground as the woman swiftly moved out of the way. The man seemed even more angry as he grunted and eventually stabbed her harshly in the back.

Her (E/C) eyes snapped open in alarm as beads of sweat rolled down her face. Soft sobs escaped her lips as she traced the scar on her back, remembering that horrid night. The night he came home. She wished he never did in the first place because then her life wouldn't be ruined.

The sound of something banging downstairs alarmed her and brought her to her feet in seconds. She grabbed the gun and slowly walked down the stairs. "Who's down there?" She spoke firmly. "I'm armed so I'd leave if I were you" She snapped. Brown boots came into view as the tall frame stood there.

"Michael. What a surprise to see you here? Gonna finish the job? How about I do it for you!" She yelled as she went to fire a shot at him however her hold on the gun loosened as she slowly started to cry. "Fuck I can't do this...why can't I do this?" She scolded herself.

She heard Michael's footsteps come closer and at this point she didn't even fight back as the knife plunged into her stomach and slowly killed her.

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