Officer (L/N) (part 2) (2007)

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"I don't appreciate games like this, (Y/N)" Officer Brackett snapped harshly as his tense form sat next to the now ashamed female cop. Turns out she had chased some teenager that was trying to pull a Halloween prank which was not funny in the slightest and it almost cost her the job she had now which she couldn't afford to lose.

"Please sir I'm was just a mistake" (Y/N) said softly attempting to calm the tense male beside her but she only saw an increase in his anger. He turned to her with fire burning in his eyes.

"Yeah apparently there's been a lot of mistakes tonight, like the injuries my daughter had to face and the trauma Laurie went through. I have made it my mission to find this killing freak and finally put him to rest, with a bullet in his fucked up head" Brackett spoke with a clear sign of anger in his tone. "I want you to leave. Now. Go home (L/N) and I don't want to see your face until tomorrow morning" he added while giving her a sharp glare.

(Y/N) didn't even make a move to protest, instead she followed his orders and slowly got into her car. She started it up and drove off towards her home where perhaps she'd get some relaxation and more time to think about all this. She did know that she really messed things up tonight. For everyone.

Her tired eyes glanced at her small and simple home as she entered it and closed the door behind her. She then started to strip out of her clothes until all she had on was the long police uniform that went down to her thighs. She placed her discarded clothing in her clothing bin before releasing her hair from the ponytail it was in. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair cascaded out of the restraints as she wandered off to her kitchen.

What she saw next would definitely haunt her for a week.

In the window of her kitchen there stood a tall man wearing that hideous white mask along with the dirty jumpsuit. He was holding a bloody knife as he just stared at her, taking all of her in. A soft scream escaped her lips as he broke her window, attempting to climb inside.

To her utter surprise, he succeeded before starting after her. She screamed more and ran off up the stairs to find a hiding place. She ended up hiding inside her bedroom closet even though that's probably the worst place to hide. Her fingers moved fast on her phone as she texted Officer Brackett the situation.

She didn't get a chance to send the text however as a rough hand gripped onto her (H/C) locks of hair and pulled her from the closet making her drop the phone. She cried and struggled in his grip but it only seemed to aggravate him more as his grip tightened. She was thrown to the ground as the man moved to stand over her.

"P-Please don't hurt me! M-Michael Stop!" Her voice came out shakily but it seemed she managed to get through to the killer as he tilted his head at her. He slowly leaned down until his face or mask was above her face. She felt his breath fanning against her face and suddenly he pulled away only to stand over her again and stab her in the stomach and chest with his knife angrily.

Soft grunts of anger escaped Michael's lips as he kept stabbing her, pleased to hear her screams of pain and to see the red liquid flowed from her petite body. Once she was dead, he calmly stroked her lifeless face before picking her body up looking for a clever spot to put her. She'd be a great decoration.

Michael Myers Imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon