Dangerous Obsession (2007)

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"I welcome you here to Smith's Grove, (Y/N). However there are a couple things we must discuss before you start working..." Dr. Loomis stated while placing his hand on the younger female's shoulder. He already knew that it was mandatory to have this talk with all new employees because most tend to have a certain connection with his very unstable patient. He wasn't sure how it happened but then again he knew exactly what Michael was capable of.

"Okay. I'm listening" (Y/N) replied with a soft smile on her beautiful features. She really was a stunning young girl, it'd be such a shame for her to get wrapped up with Michael and his destruction. Dr. Loomis wanted to prevent anything from happening between the two so she wouldn't be exposed to his wrongdoings. The ones who allow themselves to get attached to Michael only end up like himself. Obsessed. Michael feeds off of that attention and he uses it to his advantage, seeing as he's not a dumb person.

"I have one patient here at the moment and let me just tell you...he is a handful most of the time. Have you ever heard of Michael Myers? Killed at the age of ten and is now twenty five and nothing's changed" Loomis explained to her. (Y/N)'s eyes widened slightly as she tried to make sure she heard his words correctly.

"M-Michael Myers is here? I've only heard a couple things about him from my family, I am only twenty years old. I was only like five when it happened I believe" She told him while biting her lip nervously. Loomis gently patted her hand and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Everything's gonna be fine as long as you do not go near him or his room" He told her quite sternly before sending her on her way. She kept his words in mind as she went to meet up with two of the staff members that were supposedly gonna show her around. At the end of the hall stood two men dressed in the blue work clothing, one was a foreign looking man and the other sort of had a redneck vibe to him.

"Uh, hi. I'm (Y/N)" She greeted while giving them a soft smile. Her eyes shifted to the ground uncomfortably when the blonde guy winked at her and proceeded to check her out. "Oooh we got ourselves a pretty little thing. Name's Kendall, dollface" The creepy man spoke with a soft laugh.

"Man stop making her feel weird, that's not why she's here" The other male scolded before shifting his eyes over to (Y/N). "Hello there. Pleasure to meet you, I am Ismael" He greeted her with a gentle smile on his face. She decided he was much better company than the other male but she kept quiet as the two led her down a hallway filled with white cell doors. She assumed the patients stayed in there.

"So, I got word from Dr. Loomis that Michael Myers resides here" She spoke up breaking the once awkward silence. Kendall looked over at her and scoffed.

"Yeah that big idiot is here but trust me, you don't want any parts of him. I'll go in there one of these days and teach that fag a lesson" He told her with a grin.

"You won't do anything. You have no idea what he's capable of, Miss I'd recommend staying away from him" Ismael replied with a hint of fear in his tone. He handed her a bag of what seemed to be pills. "Now, just put two of these in a cup and hand them to each patient. For Michael, just quickly set them inside and walk away. Got it?" Ismael told her.

She nodded and watched as the two hurried off to most likely go complete their nighttime chores. She went down the hall in order and gave pills to each patient before she eventually came to a stop outside the last door. Michael's room. She took a deep breath before slowly opening the door.

Her eyes immediately glued themselves to the large figure sitting at the small desk. His hands were moving as he busied himself with whatever he was doing. The room itself was small but a different assortment of masks aligned the walls and a small bed was placed in the corner.

"Uh...hi. I just wanted to give you your meds" She spoke softly while placing the cup down on the shelf. His head turned and he stared at her, his blue eyes scanning her body and face before he stood up. He came closer to her and slowly reached his hand out. She closed her eyes thinking he was gonna hurt her but he grabbed the cup and put the pills in his mouth before walking back to his seat.

At that moment she felt herself becoming super interested in him which was definitely not a good thing.

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