On The Run (2007)

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The woman's legs worked quickly to bring her forward through the harsh rain pouring down on her. The dark streets of Haddonfield were now more clear to her as she sobbed and limped across them while holding her stomach in pain. (H/C) locks of hair pressed themselves flat against the woman's head as the rain only seemed to fall worse. Sobs kept coming from her lips as she worriedly glanced behind her to see if the shape was still hunting her. At first glance, he was a mere shadow taking over the night but when he grew closer it was like a totally different form of fear filling her whole being.

The shape was tall and very built with dark blue coveralls adorning his strong body and that horrid white mask over his face, hiding his features. In his left hand was a large shiny kitchen knife that had specks of blood from previous victims. He was supposed to be a myth that the residents of Haddonfield spoke of for the sole purpose of scaring their friends but to this woman, he was very real. She had unfortunately seen him and he had slashed at her, successfully injuring her. She was now bleeding and running from him through the harsh rain of the night. There was truly nowhere to go now.

She pressed her arm against the wound tighter while glancing behind her only to see that the shape was nowhere to be seen. With this in her knowledge, she stopped and fell to her knees on the hard pavement. Cries of pain leaving her lips could be heard very faintly in the dark night. It was freezing out and she was miles away from a hospital or any Haddonfield civilization for that matter. She pulled her hand away and looked at the crimson that stained it before she felt her body give out. The only thing she could do was lie down and wait to bleed out due to this wound. She'd just be another one of the shape's victims. A forgotten face over the course of two months.

Footsteps were heard from somewhere around her and she began to grow fearful once more. She calmed down upon noticing that the footsteps were softer and not the usual heavy ones she was used to hearing while on the run from the shape. Maybe someone had found her and she'd finally be saved. Her (E/C) eyes gazed up at the face of a worried looking blonde girl who was dressed in blue skinny jeans and a light blue long sleeved shirt.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" She asked in a soft voice as her fingers pressed against the wound to stop the blood flow. "How did this happen?" She questioned once more while taking her phone out with her free hand. The injured woman made an attempt to speak but blood poured from her lips and stopped that from happening. The blonde gasped and pushed some of her (H/C) locks from her face.

"Hey it's alright. Listen, my name is Laurie Strode" She greeted softly. "I need you to stay awake for me while I call for help" She informed her calmly before looking back to her phone and keeping a tight pressure on the heavily bleeding wound. The injured woman looked behind Laurie and saw the shape approaching them. She let out a soft cry and tugged on the blonde's shirt.

"W-What's the matter?" Laurie asked before she turned around and noticed the shape's presence as well. She gasped and helped the injured woman up before they slowly began to move down the street together. "Okay...don't panic let's just find somewhere to hide for now" She spoke before looking back and seeing the shape closing in on them. Laurie didn't want to make her injured companion worry more but there really was no hiding it as the silent male grabbed the (H/C) woman by her shirt and dragged her back against him.

Laurie turned and faced the two now locking eyes with the shape. "Let her go!" She yelled but the man remained unfazed by her attempts to intimidate him. The injured woman cried and thrashed within his grip but the man just held her tighter and smoothed his bloody hand over her wet strands of hair.

"P-Please what do you want..?" (Y/N) pleaded as the shape looked down at her with a head tilt. He started to pet her hair gently before he shoved her aside to the grass and began to chase after Laurie. (Y/N) gasped and then started to grow worried. "Michael no!" She yelled making the male stop and look at her. Her speaking his name seemed to strike a nerve within him. He walked back over and grabbed her up again before walking off down the street and leaving Laurie behind. 

It was unclear why the shape took a liking to this woman but she never left her side, she didn't have a choice.

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