Past Memories (part 2) (2007)

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This one will have Le Shape in it

Tears heavily cascaded down the (H/C) haired girl's cheeks as she ran off into the nearby woods which probably was a stupid idea but she was too upset to care. How could that rude girl even dare to say that? Just when she thought things would be better and she could finally escape the mind numbing thoughts of him and the nightmares where she had to relive him, nothing changed. She didn't even expect it to anymore.

The terror she experienced that night was something that could never be erased from her mind. It was constantly replying itself like a broken record and she was so sick of having to relive it every time she closed her eyes. She didn't want to see his face anymore, that horrid mask. Those cold and emotionless eyes peering at her through it. The blood stained knife that he had swung at her. The dark basement that he kept her hostage in when he kidnapped her.

She was so caught in her thoughts that she didn't realize there was a body in front of her as she harshly collided with it and fell down on her bottom. A soft gasp of surprise escaped her lips as she felt the impact. She was about to apologize until she stared up at the white mask and those oh so familiar dark eyes. The ones that haunted her in her dreams. She was seeing them again and it made so many unknown emotions escape her.

His eyes glanced down at her as he held the knife tightly in his hands like it would slip away at any second. Those blue mesmerizing eyes that held so many dark secrets inside of them. It was true that they captivated her but they also made her utterly terrified for her life. They both made no advances towards each other but the eye contact remained. (Y/N) was too afraid to move or make any escape attempts. She was horrified by the thought of what he'd do to her now.

His feet moved as he now started to take slow steps towards her. Her fear skyrocketed as she tried to think of a way out of this possible near death experience. She backed up slowly and stared up at him. "M-Michael Stop!" She yelled out fearfully which made the taller male freeze in his spot. She didn't expect him to listen to her but his feet planted themselves firmly in his spot and they didn't attempt to move again. He was waiting to hear what she'd say.

"Please..don't hurt me. I didn't do anything to harm you...I just want to live" She pleaded with him as she watched for his reaction. The silent male only stared at her before kneeling down and reaching his hand out to her. His fingers gently ran across her cheek as he scanned her features. He had never been this close to one of his victims without already ending their existence.

Her breathing was light as she allowed him to do this. His finger slowly moved to her bottom lip as he touched it with gentleness. She took the opportunity of him being distracted to land a sharp kick to his stomach which didn't hurt him but it did send him back a bit. She took the chance and got up, running away quickly. She heard his grunt of anger and then the heavy footsteps which made her scream fearfully.

"Help!" The word escaped her lips as she kept running.

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