Deep Thinking (2007)

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I am pretty sick right now but the inspiration for this came and I couldn't help myself lol I promise I'll be getting rest though!

The clouds overhead danced around in the sky as many shapes could be formed just by looking at them for long enough. They were so peaceful up there, just floating around and not having to feel any pain of being trapped on the ground where there were many ways to get hurt. Of course everyone's eyes saw different things when they gazed up at the white objects in the sky. Some things could be things of happiness and peace but other things could be of darkness and complete sadness. The second option had always been it for the (H/C) haired girl because her whole life had been surrounded by just the idea of destruction and depression which was something so hard to come to terms with.

Once her eyes looked over at her blonde friend laying beside her, she immediately felt the calm vibes filling her soul just from his presence. Most people in this town know him as creepy and disturbed. Perhaps he was, but that didn't bother the girl because she had already been that way long before arriving in Haddonfield. Maybe that's why the two fit so well together because they both saw things the same way pretty much. She never asked him what ran through his head at all times but it was always something that sparked her curiosity and gave her that feeling of wanting more. Knowledge was something that could either be good or bad and personally, she didn't care which one she got.

"Do you think the clouds feel pain like we do?" That was the first sentence that left the blonde boy's lips in a good half hour of them staring at the sky together. She took time to think of the question that was just asked by him because she often wondered of the answer as well. While thinking of an answer to give him, she took note of the way his blonde locks messily sprawled themselves out on the grass and the way his face stayed that calm but very emotionless expression. Today he had worn what he always did. Blue jeans ripped at the knees and a random band tee that was topped off with his worn out black converse. She finally knew how to answer him at last.

"No. They are always at peace and I can only long for that feeling" The girl told him before closing her eyes and deciding to get some intel on his personal life at home. From the time she knew him, it was fairly obvious that he was treated like some freak at home much like he was at school or anywhere else. They didn't like the ones who were different but that's only because they didn't see the reality of not every person having that perfection life they had. It's always the misunderstood ones who get judged so quickly when they aren't given a proper chance. Then again, she knew the boy didn't care if they gave him a chance or not.

"How're things at home?" She questioned while taking note of the way the boy froze up slightly at this. He always got tense when being quizzed on his home life since it was something he didn't like to talk about often, he didn't like to talk much at all anyways. This seemed to be something that was hard to answer for him but she could tell he was trying to sugarcoat things like he always did when he didn't want her to know of the terrible things that went on at the Myers home.

He rolled over onto his stomach and let his blue oceanic eyes glanced into her own. This was never easy for him and she knew that.

"Ya know....same old" He began while shakily biting his bottom lip. "Ronnie's still a jerk, Judith still hates my guts even though I don't give a fuck, and my mother still strips to pay the rent" He truthfully told her and it was clear nothing changed. Maybe nothing ever would. "The only one who treats me nicely is my Boo...without her I wouldn't be at least a little sane" He smiled sheepishly before reaching over and intertwining their fingers. "And what about you?" It was his turn to ask her now.

The girl didn't know how to answer this because it was really the same in her case too. Nothing changed but it never would, it was like she was destined to have a horrid lifestyle. A soft sigh escaped past her slightly dry lips as she gazed over at their hands.

"Same old as well. Dad still drinks and doesn't pay attention to me...and you already know my mom's an angel now" She mumbled bitterly before taking her hand away from his and shakily wiping a tear that she didn't know was falling at first. Life was hard at times but she always forced herself to become used to it. It was to be done, perhaps.

"Sorry to hear that" Michael replied before sitting up and bringing his knees to his chest. "I think of ways to get out of this but they're not good ways...for my family of course but for me, they could make me feel better" He told her. "I can finally be freed from this life and start another...even if it is gonna cost people their lives" He smirked. "Not like I care anyways, I was always good at sneaking around, they won't even know I'm there" He looked over at her happily.

"I'll be like a Shape" He whispered with a bright smile on his face. It was something that should have been believed by many because that's exactly what he became.

The Haddonfield Shape.

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