Chapter 2 (The Begining part 2)

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(In part of meh friend some_random_person00 thanks for always being their for meh ^~^')
Cuphead Pov
I of course I wake up and get dressed, doing what everyone 'outa do in the morning, Once I was ready I walked downstairs to meet my brother cooking breakfast of course, I took the toast and ate it walking out of the house "don't be late for the bus bro!" I shouted "alright!" My brother responses back, I smiled then started heading for the bus stop, as I Waited I finished my toast taking out my phone and looking through some old 'Stuff' as soon as the bus arrived I got on, just in time my brother came onto the bus, we both sat towards the back of the bus, as I was walking in I noticed a small Demon, I looked at how small he was and snickered to myself softly, I sat down as my brother mugs was talking to the wolf (Boris if ya didn't know)  they soon made friends, I was happy for that, as soon as we got to school I got up and walked off the bus, The others did as well, I walked into the school, everyone else went to their lockers, I did as well opening it noticing a familiar small demon, I looked at him with a strange look then walked off towards my classroom, from their I sat down in my seat girls going crazy, fangirling of course, I rolled my eyes ignoring them.
To Be Continued...

(Thanks for reading, hope y'all liked this chapter, see y'all next time!!)

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