Chapter sixty two

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Third person POV
Bendy and Cuphead had been walking back home, not running into any trouble along the way, Cuphead dugged his hands into his pockets, Bendy had swayed his tail while walking humming softly, yes, he did remember his favorite songs

Cuphead smiled listening to his humming while they walked, they soon got home heading inside the cabin, glancing around, then went towards the kitchen, They both were bored, The other four Cherri, Max the dog, Tommy, mugs and Boris

they were upstairs in the extra bedroom playing left over games, left from the previous owners, they smiled while playing, loud noises were heard from upstairs, Bendy and Cuphead listened, but ignored, Bendy can sense when people, close to them are in danger

Bendy's POV
I did hear noises upstairs, but I knew that the five of them are just playing games, Me and Cuphead smiled, I pulled up a stool, standing onto it, then Cuphead had helped me cook, since he was tall enough to grab things for me, I smiled taking them, and adding the stuff into the pots, cutting up veggies, and other things that gotta be cut up

Cuphead watched and helped if I needed it, I hummed soft toons while cutting up the food
Max ran downstairs smelling the non cooked food, but smelling the sent of them, once being cut up, He barked wanting the food, I called off max sending him back up towards tommy and them

I then continued my cooking with Cuphead, I was. A bit weirded out, but managed to 'Shake it off' and continue to cook.

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