Chapter fifty seven (Secret Guests pt.15)

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Before the incident
Bendy and Cuphead were running away from, some beast, they couldn't see due to the fastness it was, it was hard to see, The beast had lashed at Bendy, causing him to fall, and bleed, he was wide eyed as he fell, Cuphead was in shock gripping onto Bendy tightly "B-BENDY!?" Cuphead called out, then I heard rushing and the break of leaves and twigs snapping, then saw Boris, mugs, and Cherri, along with the new kid, they were all wide eyed, tears spewing down Boris's cheeks, we all shared the sense in tearing up, and some bawling, Cuphead picked up Bendy and we headed back home, their could still be time for the demon, we could still save him.

A few months had passed,
the others believed Bendy wasn't gunna wake up, they were scared to admit it, so they left him in an abandoned hospital, the stuff still had worked, keeping him alive?

Bendy has eventually awoke, he sat up rubbing his eyes, then glanced around forgetting what had happened, maybe even forgot about his brother, and his friends, along with his Boyfriend, Bendy got off the bed yanking out the cords, and ripping off the breathing tool

Bendy's POV
I noticed I was in a hospital, I was confused, yet I hadn't remembered what Happened, or how I turned out to be here,
" did I...g-....get here??..."
I looked over at what seemed to be a get well card, some bags, maybe some beautiful flowers, I walked towards them picking up the card and read it

"Dear Bendy, if your reading this, by now you should be fine and awake, you must be wondering what happened.. but don't worry! All should be answered soon, until we meet once more, we're all worried about you.. ok?... ~Love Cuphead"

I looked at the name shaking a bit, I recognized it, but didn't know from where, I huffed then placed down the note, picking up a flower and smelt it, it smelled like my favorite lavender flower, it was even more prettier in person, from what seemed to be like years.. I still wondered what happened, and how long I was out,

I wanted to figure this out pronto, I needed to find this..
Cuphead?  Still it felt weird knowing this guy, or girl.. but I couldn't put my finger on it...
who is this...Cuphead?... and who is he mentioning by 'We're'?
It was a bit confusing, but I grabbed old clothes from old clients back in the day, putting them on, t felt weird putting on clothes that isn't mine, but I had some memories, not much, a lot is still blurry, but I grabbed the bag putting it around my shoulders, and started walking off, I was hungry, since it's been awhile, hell! Maybe years since I ate!

I went hunting and found myself a garden of animals, surrounding what seemed to be old weapons from the past, I sneaked my way through grabbing two long katas, I found holders and placed them into them, hearing a small click, then puts it around my belt buckle, fixing my long coat, then grabbed knives, and guns finding a place to place it on me,

I then killed a few animals, draining their blood from their body, once finished I left, I heard voices which is why I fled, the voices got more clear once they were close enough

"C'mon Cuphead! It's been a few months since we've visited him! Maybe he's awake!! Please cup...I know you want to see him... he could still be alive...or even more.. awake.. let's just pay him a small visit...please?.."
I heard a wolf say, then I heard the big cup person speak, with a small sigh and Twain to his voice "fine...but if he isn't awake by now..I don't know what'll I do..or maybe move on.."

I heard the voice say, I felt an un easy feeling in my heart, as it was falling apart, "I-t's...been a few months??...b-ut h-ow??..." I had mumbled to myself eavesdropping on their conversation, Then the people started to walk towards the hospital I awoke at, I raised a brow slowly following them

Then they stopped in the same room I awoke in! Do they know me or something??

I peeked closely through the window, making sure I was hidden, I saw them wide eyed, one pacing around, the other searching the room, then I heard


"Cup! calm down!! He could've just woke up!!"

"Or maybe he woke up a long time ago!! And I wasn't here to greet him!!"

My heart dropped hearing this, I so wanted to just hold him..

Snuggle him...but I strained myself, frowning softly then left, my eyes glowing brightly as I walked into the distance once I was on the ground

"What is happening to me??... why can't I remember!?!?" I shouted, I heard twigs breaking, leaves being crunched on, then I gasp and started to sprint off, I heard rapid breathing as I ran, I didn't want to look to see who it was, I was to afraid

"L-eave Me a-lone!!" I had shouted at whoever was behind me, I then tripped rolling down a hill and knocking myself out cold, I then felt a strange warm sensation hovering above me, then grabbed me

"C-old...s-o cold..."

"W-here am I-I??..."

I slowly began to awake once more, I shot up glancing around, seeing my we're gone, I patted around seeing I was on a bed, I was scared, I didn't know what was happening, then I heard the door creek open, I saw a familiar figure, it was.. Cuphead?.. was he chasing me before??... or..did he find me??...

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