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Yujin's POV

What a strange feeling i got here. My head thump as i were in a daze as if i just woke up from my sleep. I feel something tightened on my wrist. Didn't i realized i were being tied with a chain around my both wrist to the wall. 

I scanned around the place and it looked like a prison. A steel that trapped me in this small empty room and a chain on me that prevent me from escaping.

The question i asked to myself was how i got here when all i can remember was my feet wounded and.. saw a silhouette of a thing with weird ears and those white flashing eyes. I can't remember anything about how i get here. Is it that thing brought me here? 

Suddenly i heard the door bang open. I took abrupt forward to the steel that surrounds me to see who it was despite my hand being chain on my wrist and it aren't that long and stopped halfway.

"Please, please let me go!", i said desperately. 

Finally, the person showed up. He had his one eye covered with his front blonde hair and has yellow-green eyes. He look straight at me with his cold expression and i abrupty goes backwards since i don't know who he was. I never met him at all.

"Hello, hu~man", he smirked. His sharp teeth are showing. I could feel that he labeled me as his source of food already.

"Who are you?!", I said coldly yet frightened of his gaze.

"You don't need to know who i am because.. you dont even know me though even if i tell you. Wait, did my sentence make sense to you?", he chuckled. O..kay he's weird.

I went speechless when I look at him in confusion hearing him talking alone. He do actually talking to me but I couldn't understand what he say because he seems like he spat out nonsense.

"How do I get here?", I finally say after getting bored of his blaberring.

he paused and smiled, "Good question. We bring you here. My friend hear what you say back at the forest. If it wasn't for us, you could have been eaten by him since he could not handle his hunger when he sees his prey especially human. It's been a hundred or thousand years human never came to our territory which brings us to only hunt down animal"

"But, with luck and our master, we met you", he smirked after finishing his sentence.

"You know what? I can smell the taste of you even from here.. it makes me", he paused "want you", he sniffed.

I can sense danger here which brought me to distance myself far away as possible.

"If I can reach you.. gosh..", he said with his hand stretched out. I can see his long, filthy nails.

"Behavior, Daesung", said the person behind him who came out of nowhere. The guy named Daesung quickly turn around and stood like a guard, straight and disciplined manner. 

I take a look at behind him where the sound came from. Somehow, the voice sounded so familiar to me, but who could be the owner of the voice be?

It was belonged to Sarah. 

I can feel the feeling of betrayal. My chest tightened for a moment once I look at her. She were my good friend ever since high school, and I never knew anything about her being infected as a vampire. 

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