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Before she knew, she stood before a majestic throne surrounded by four pillars simmering in light.

The hall was lit as bright as day by the luminous pearls floating through the air.

Two jade sculptures stood by the throne, carved with precision and skill, polished with patience, yet she could not recognise the identity of the creature. Looming above the throne, was a crystal sphere suspended in air, adored by markings of a ticking clock.

A man, oblivious to her existence, donned in white, with a golden dragon embroidered on his robes, and its golden eyes gleamed with life. With long black hair and sharp amber eyes that could see through one's soul and beauty unmatched to none, he exuded unrivalled powerful aura greater than anything she has felt. The golden crown on his head signified his identity and responsibilities.

Settled beside him, sat an enchantingly beautiful woman. Clothed in white, accompanied by a golden phoenix. Her black hair was pulled up into a bun, donned with accessories and a crown on her head. Her beauty wasn't dampened by the man's beauty; their beauty complemented each other, like the sun and moon, day and night, like yin and yang. She sat beside him like a true queen accompanying her king.

Below them, on either sides sat twelve figures. Their aura and beauty was no match to their superior but weren't far behind.

In the centre of the hall knelt fourteen people with utmost reverence. Overall, this scene could be described as a superior ruling over his subjects. But... the entire atmosphere seemed strange.

Anxiety and fear filled the air. The beautiful faces in the hall betrayed their inner fear and trepidation. The fourteen people kneeling in the hall kowtowed to the supreme figures in front of them, crying out.

"Supreme sovereign...have mercy on us...we were powerless to protect our people from the attacks of the demon sect. They abducted our men, used vicious means to kill them. Many surrendered themselves to the demon sect to escape death. If this goes on, the mortal and immortal realm and its people will cease to exist. Even though we mortals, immortals and the tribes combined our strengths, our powers are inadequate and vulnerable against them...we won't be able to hold on for too long.. Supreme sovereign have mercy... Help us..."

Hearing their cries for help, the supreme sovereign furrowed his brows, his expression turning cold. The people below all bowed their heads, awaiting his answer.

"I heard your pleas;you have suffered...The war should come to an end. The God's Realm will lend our powers to fight against the Demon Realm. Go and prepare for tomorrow's battle, it will be an end to your sufferings."

The fourteen kowtowed, thanking the supreme figures for answering their pleas. They bowed once more and exited the hall to prepare for the battle.

Her vision changed and she was now looking at a vast field. The ground no longer green but stained with blood and the smell of death lingered in the air. The surroundings echoed the screams of men, their blades whistling against the wind.

Under the black sky void of stars, two figures stood facing each other. One clad in black and the other in white.

"This one is honoured by your appearance, supreme sovereign". Sneered the black-robed youth.

"You lot have been ruling over the realms for a long time. It's time for a change."

Without wasting a second, he charged forwards, the blade aimed towards his opponent's heart. The white-robed man didn't dodge the blow but met the oncoming sword with his own. The force emanated from their duel shook the lands with thunderous sounds. As time went on, neither could overpower one another.

The battle around them slowly quietened down. Twelve people appeared behind the white-robed man. They all seemed to understand each other's intention and started to perform a series of complicated hand gestures causing a wall to ascend around the black-robed youth.

He smiled with ridicule on his face seeing them trying to detain him with their lousy methods. But his expression morphed into that of fear when the white-robed man turned his blade on himself and spilt his blood on the now glowing wall.

"Soul burning chain", he murmured in horror.

The wall glowed brighter until a burst of golden-red rays shot out detaining the youth with shackles. A spirit orb flowed from his body, forced out but the rays of light compressed the soul to a sphere. Under its pressure, the spirit began to burn.

"Hahaha...The supreme sovereign, the most powerful ruler worshipped by all realms...chk" He snickered. "You are the biggest fool. Your true nemesis is not me but -"

Before he could finish his words, his body and soul disintegrated into ashes.

With the extermination of the leader, the strength of his followers began to dwindle. Soon they were overpowered by the power of light.

The war thus came to an end. People exhaled in relief and thanked the Gods realm for their support.

The white-robed group left the battlefield with confusion etched on their thoughts. Was this truly the end?

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