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The next night, Wan Huang entered the Red Jade Palace, to seek answers for her doubts.

Xiufeng passed to her an old, tattered, leather bound book that emitted a sweet vanilla smell.

The leather cover was dark in colour, with folded edges, locked with a metal plate, with complicated ideograms carved on it.

She turned the book, back and forth, trying to find a way, to open it. But as if bound by an iron lock, the metal plate refused to budge in any way.

Watching her antics to get the book opened, Xiufeng's mouth twitched in an ugly manner.

Wasn't she always a prudent person? Just what happened to her now? Did her brains went out of order, overworking these days?

A slight guilty feeling rose in his heart, when he thought of his strict mentoring during the last six months.

'Well, I didn't do anything to her. I just asked her to learn something. It was all for her own good'. He convinced, justified and pleaded himself not guilty.

Unable to take the sight anymore, he told her the method to open the book. He asked her to spill a drop of her blood, on the metal plate to open it.

Wan Huang bit her finger and a drop of her blood, fell on the complicated looking metal plate, which then flowed through the crevices of the patterns, to join together at the end, unlocking the seal on it.

Wan Huang opened the book. Following Xiufeng's instruction, she released her spiritual energy through her fingertips, that ran over the page, from line to line.

Following the movement of her fingertips, letters slowly appeared on the paper forming words, sentences and paragraphs which then disappeared as soon as she finished reading, returning to a blank page.

The excerpt, she read, fascinated her.

All people in this world, are born with a tiny spiritual core inside them. They can absorb the qi or breath of heaven from their surroundings and it forms the spiritual energy in their dantian.

Those who were unable to absorb the qi were called as trashes.

This inability may occur due to  congenital problems, blocked meridians or sometimes because of any injury. These conditions are sometimes curable, sometimes not.

Everyone starts condensing the spiritual energy from the age of five, when the meridians open. Rarely, emerges some genius prodigies, who can open their meridians and start cultivating at the age of four.

The size of the spiritual core inside the body, is minuscule at the beginning.

After one's spiritual energy foundation is formed and he enters the profound earth stage, the spiritual core then changes colour to mirror his innate aptitude, thus the core is also called as aptitude core interchangeably.

This innate ability is divided into seven ranks with seven colours for each rank. The initial white till the spiritual foundation is formed, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan and purple as it goes higher.

The higher the colour, the higher the rank, the more talented a person is.

Red coloured core is ranked the lowest while the blue ranked core is the highest, one has ever reached in the entire East Yue continent.

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