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Realising  their plan was not going as they expected it to be, Wan Jie, Yan Wangyin and Chu Tianyin panicked a bit.

Wan Bei's expression froze, watching her sister being rendered mute by Wan Huang.

"Sixth sister, don't be mad at seventh sister. She was just concerned about you. It was the guards, who saw you going out yesterday night and reported it to father".

She panicked a littleseeing their plan going a bit off the track, but she managed to calm herself and tried to salvage the situation.

Wan Huang had a mocking smile on her face. 

"Fourth Sister, just now the seventh sister admitted she was the first one who noticed I went missing, and now you are saying, it is the gatekeepers who saw me going out at night. So who actually saw me?"

"Sixth sister, the guards wouldn't dare to lie about such a sensitive matter". Wan Bei blurted out and then realised she messed up the situation.

Wan Huang noticed every small change of expression on Wan Bei.

'Fairy? more like a white lotus'. She sneered.

"Fourth sister, let's assume the guards didn't lie. But i am not that dumb to walk through the main gate at night, staking my reputation, showing my face and announcing that I am going out".

"The guards at the gate reported that someone who looked like you left the manor at night. Sixth sister don't get me wrong". Wan Bei hurriedly explained.

"I have never gone out of the manor since my mother's death. I have never seen the gatekeepers nor have they seen me. Why are they so sure, it was me last night? Why couldn't it be anyone else, like you or a maidservant?". She asked.

"And, fourth sister, whoever sneaks out at night, will they walk through the main gate? Would the guards allow them? Is the security of our manor that lax? If then, they should be punished. Fourth sister, don't you agree with me?" She asked, sarcasm evident in her tone.

Watching the situation going south, the perpetrators panicked.

"Enough!" The matriarch slapped the table.

"You were summoned here not to argue with others. His Highness the crown prince has honoured us with his visit today. Kneel and show respect".

Seeing both her granddaughters failing miserably in front of a waste, her blood boiled. She cannot allow them to continue. So she cleverly changed the subject.

The crown prince was still in a daze. He felt something odd about Wan Huang.

Before, she was afraid of muttering even a word and now she boldly questioned everyone. A faint aura of nobility could be seen on her. He was lost in thought until he was jolted into reality by Wan Huang's question.

"What do you want to say?".

He gazed at her deeply and saw the usual foolish expression on her face. He thought everything that happened just now was an illusion. He wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible.

"Wan Huang, this crown prince came today to annule our engagement. From today on, we won't have any ties between us".

Everyone expected her to cry and throw a tantrum. Contrary to everyone's expectations, she just asked one thing.


"Reason? This crown prince doesn't need a reason to do anything. You are just a good for nothing, who can't cultivate. Just look at your ugly face. You are not worthy to become my crown princess". He explained arrogantly.

"The Crown prince doesn't need a reason, does that mean, you are an unreasonable person?" Doubt filled her face.

"Since you have your unreasonable reason, I will give mine. I won't agree to you annuling the engagement".

Everyone sat straight. They were waiting for this moment since long.

"I, Wan Huang, will terminate the engagement from my side, because I don't like you and I don't want to marry you. Did you hear that clearly? I am annuling the engagement, not you".

Everyone present in the hall remained silent. They never expected she would say such brazen words to the crown prince.

She took out a jade piece from her sleeves, a token of their engagement and smashed it into pieces in front of everyone.

All of them stood up in shock, inhaling sharply, finding it difficult to comprehend whatever transpired before them.

The crown prince's face turned from pale to green to black. He never expected the trash to be so daring. He came here to shame her, but he was shamed instead.

Wan Jahao's face flushed red in anger. "Impudence! How dare you talk to his Highness like that? Kneel and apologize".

Kneel? Apologize? Did they take her for a fool?.

"I don't want to marry the crown prince. So I annuled the engagement. What's wrong with that? Crown prince, didn't you want the same too? So why should I apologize?".

The crown prince stood dumbfounded over her courage.

"You disobedient creature, you won't learn until you cry. Butler He, come here ".

He called the butler, who was standing outside the hall, listening to everything that was going on inside.

"Lock this wretch in her courtyard. She is not allowed to step out. Reduce her meals to one time a day. Let her reflect over her mistakes".

He quickly announced the punishment, sending Wan Huang back to her courtyard to be locked up.

The most important thing right now was not finding out the truth or punishing someone, but pacifying the crown prince.

His father had planned to matchmake  Wan Bei and the crown prince. They just needed an opportunity to break the engagement between Wan Huang and the  Crown prince.

Today, the opportunity presented itself, but the situation went a bit out of control. Wan Huang's behaviour today, totally exceeded his expectations.

Wan Jahao knelt and bowed his head, followed by the remaining family members.

"Your highness, forgive this subject for not teaching my daughter properly. With this punishment, she will behave properly in future. Once her punishment is over, this subject will bring her personally to apologize to you. Our Wan family will accept the annulment. Your highness may rest your worries".

Seeing Wan Jahao giving him leeway for exiting the stage with dignity, he felt relieved.

"Prime minister Wan, please rise. This prince won't blame you. If you were to be blamed for your children's poor education, then how could Wan Jie and his sisters behave properly? Some people won't cry until they see the coffins".

Crown prince emphasized the last sentence. Realising the hidden meaning, Wan Jahao bowed his head.

"This subject shall make sure she is punished severely".

Assured by the promise, Chu Tianyin left the Wan manor. He wanted to annule the engagement desperately, so he conspired with Wan Jie to hire people to kidnap her. But today, she stood before him steadily, as if nothing happened. He couldn't tell what went wrong. He should feel happy that the burden is gone from his head. But, why does he feel empty inside, as if he had lost something valuable?.

He cleared the distracting thoughts in his head and rode towards his eastern palace.

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