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"The incident just occured was really an eyeopener for me. Even if little spats and quarrels may occur among us sometimes, I never thought one would go this far."

"Is that too surprising?  Jealous women will stop at nothing."

"It is surprising. That Li Huang is like a piece of wood. She does not talk much to anyone. It is as if she is living in her own world. Nobody thought she is capable of injuring her best friend for a man."

"Its true that a book cannot be judged by its cover."

"I feel pity for Ren Weilin. She always cared for Li Huang as a friend. She even stood up for her against the rumors. But reality proved that she was a thankless wretch; trying to kill her own friend."

"I saw it too. Li Huang was trying to stab Ren Weilin. Luckily, she somehow managed to avoid getting stabbed in the heart and therefore got stabbed on her shoulder."

"Now you say that, I remember it too. All of Li Huang's attacks were aimed at Ren Weilin's vital points. How could a girl be so vicious!."

All sorts of questions, assumptions and blames could be heard in the arena.

Wan Fang felt extremely annoyed hearing the discussions. She wanted to refute and argue with them, but restrained herself because she knew, no one would listen to her. It will only  push Li Huang further into condemnation.

Wan Fang felt, the whole incident seemed strange. She saw the battle from the beginning. At first, both Ren Weilin and Li Huang started off gently. After a while into the fight, Li Huang's moves became more and more aggressive.

She saw clearly, though Li Huang was fighting aggressively, she was trying to control the impact. It felt like she was contesting with an invisible power and trying to control herself.After that, everything happened suddenly and Ren Weilin was injured.

She stood there thinking while two girls approached her.

"classmate Wan Fang, you are Li Huang's roommate. Do you have anything to say about today's incident?."

Wan Fang ignored them and walked away.

Inside the hall, the masters were demanding an explanation from Li Huang.

Hou Li, a senior master from the sword faction scrutinized Li Huang, who was kneeling there silently. He could not catch any expressions on her face, no fear, no guilt, no remorse. It made him confused.

"disciple Li Huang, everyone saw what happened today. You intentionally injured your fellow disciple. Care to explain your actions?."

Li Huang kept her silent. Explain? What should she explain? Explain that she was being framed? But it was true that she injured Ren Weilin.

Explain that she could not control herself during the battle, and all that happened was an accident?. But, she is perfectly alright now. No one would believe her side of the argument. Then what explanation should she give?.

There was evidence and witnesses. Everyone saw her attacking Ren Weilin. Even if she tried to justify herself, no one would believe her. So it's better to remain silent. Fewer words spoken, fewer mistakes made.

Her silence baffled the masters, waiting for her explanation.

"Li Huang, tell them you did not do it intentionally. I told them, it was an accident. I know you would not hurt me." Ren Weilin spoke up.

"Younger sister, don't plead for her. She did it purposely. Everyone saw she was aiming at your vital points. It was by luck you managed to avoid, and instead got stabbed on your shoulder". Ren Yu Lan, Ren Weilin's elder sister shouted angrily.

"It's not like that elder sister, Li Huang is my friend, she won't hurt me. I trust her".

"Weilin, don't be so silly. If she is not feeling guilty, then why isn't she saying anything? Why is she not defending herself?".

"No, it's not like that, its...its..." Ren Weilin stammered, not knowing what to say.

"Weilin, stop pleading for her. She injured you, yet she shows no remorse". Ren Yu Lan tried to convince her sister.

"That's right Weilin, listen to your sister. The masters are prudent, they know what is right and wrong". Yun Shan chimed in.

Ren Weilin went silent, weak, confused and sad over her friend's actions. She wanted to tell everyone that Li Huang isn't like the person who they thought she was. She was a kind girl. But everyone saw what she did today.

Sun Delan, the junior master from the martial arts faction witnessed what happened in the arena. "Li Huang, the evidence and witnesses are irrefutable. Do you admit your wrongdoings?".

"No". She answered. Admit? Why would she admit to  something that she didn't do?

"You are a stubborn one, with no remorse over your actions. Alright! Disciple Li Huang is vicious and unkind towards her peers. She broke the rules of the sect, therefore she is to be punished with confinement in the punishment chamber for twenty-one days. She injured a classmate with the intention of taking her life, for which she would be punished by being struck with lightning eleven times a day for twenty-one days. Take her away".

The verdict was announced and the masters present in the discipline hall glanced at her disappointed. Ren Weilin bowed her head, helplessly trying to hide her tears. Ren Yu Lan's face showed relief over the justice they got. Yun Shan stood there, unaffected by the whole fiasco.

Li Huang was escorted out of the hall towards the punishment chamber. On the way she saw everyone looking at her, in disgust.  She ignored their hateful glances and walked with the escorting wardens.

Wan Fang looked on from a distance. After hearing about Li Huang's punishment, she was startled.

After being struck by lightning bolts for twenty-one days, she was not sure if Li Huang could stand the punishment. She wanted to do something to help her, but the situation was not to their advantage. She could only silently watch as Wan Huang was led to the punishment chamber.

Wan Fang didn't know why, but she was greatly concerned over Li Huang. Even though the latter always maintained a poker face and never talked much with her, she could feel a sense of companionship with her.

Ren Weilin was taken back to the infirmary for recuperation. Yun Shan stayed by her side, taking care of her. All the other disciples, dispersed to spend the rest of their free day.

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