Chapter 21{I love you ♡}

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So if you haven't already noticed I've deleted chapter 21 and I'm remaking it into this one. I'm also going back and editing the old chapters.

Since I've already gotten some comments saying I should continue the book i am. But make sure you vote on what my next book should be about. Now on to the chapter


After our kiss on the porch she went to get lil man out the car. I waited for her and we both went inside.

"Jas" I know she forgave me but I still feel like she's hurt inside. I know she is. It's my fault or at least it feels like it.

"Yeah?" She set Jordan on the couch with his toys to play with and sat right next to him. I'm walked over and sat on the other side of him so he was between us.

"I'm sorry."

"I already for gave you, well a little bit." She was playing with Jordan but stopped and looked at me.

"I know but still I feel as if it's my fault." I couldn't look at her so I started to play with Jordan's fingers. They are so soft.

"It's not your fault. I went to new York by myself. How could it be your fault?

"I don't know. I should've went with you or something."

"Nahmir." She grabbed my face so that I could look at her. "It's not your fault ok"


After that we sat in silence and played with Jordan.


Jasmine fell asleep as did Jordan. So I took him upstairs first and laid him on my bed. I made sure he was alright and wasn't going to wake up. When I was getting up he started to shift around and wake up so started to rub his back till he fell back to sleep. When he was finally asleep I heard a scream, jasmines scream. I ran downstairs and looked around but didn't see anything besides jasmine moving around on the couch kicking and screaming.

"Babe! Jas! Jasmine!" I yelled her name while shaking her to wake her up. She was having a nightmare.

"Nooooo! Stop, why do you keep doing this! Stop touching me!" She was still yelling and tears streamed down her face. Her body was shaking while she sobbed in her sleep.

"Baby come on wake up!" She screamed again but this time she woke up. I held her close as she gripped my shirt and cried into my chest. After awhile her crying stopped to the point where she was sniffling.  "Baby what was it?"

"Sometimes I have nightmares of him a-and I have to take medicine everyday so I won't have them." There were tears that was still falling down her face. While she looked down at her hands and played with her fingers.

"About your dad.... I'm sorry you have to go through that jasmine."

"It's not like it's your fault. Where's Jordan" she still stared down at her hands.

"He's in my room sleeping." She got up and was about to walk upstairs but she stopped and grabbed my hand. We went upstairs and sat on the bed. Jordan was still asleep with a little drool. She wipped his mouth with his blanket that was with him.

"Are you ok?" I asked looking at her

"Yeah still a little shaky. What time is it?"
I looked at my phone and it read 3:44. "What do you want to do for the rest of today?"

"I don't know I'm fine with whatever you want to do."

"Let's invite the gang over" i nodded my head in agreement and she stood up to Gran her phone. She started to text everybody to come over. I don't know where any of the Biggs's at since they live here. Probably over their girls house, but junior don't got a girl.


The gang was over in 30 minutes. We all just chilled and drank a little. Jasmine was in the kitchen with Alana laughing about whatever when Jordan started to cry. She was about to go get him but I stood up and made my way upstairs and said "I got it babe."


"So y'all back together?" Alana said after nahmir went upstairs.

"We were never broken up. I was just mad at him."

"Ok girl. You made up with him faster than I would've. I'm still mad at him."

"That's why your my main bitch and what can I say I think I love him." Then Chris called her over so she left. I smiled, they are such a cute couple. I went upstairs to check on my boys and I stop at the door and 'aw' to the sight I see. Nahmir is holding Jordan while talking to him. This is what I heard...

"-Yeah I think I might love her... we haven't been together for that long but I can't see my life without her. She's beautiful, smart, talented, and a badass. She may have demons but I will turn her demons into angels."

I was getting teary eyed by what I was hearing. I open the door wider so he knows I'm there. When he sees me I walk towards him and give him a passionate kiss. Once we pulled apart I said "I love you too" and pecked him once more.

After a while of being upstairs we came down with Jordan. Everyone was on the couch while I sat down next to Alana and Namir sat in front of me on the floor, holding Jordan.

"Well aren't y'all a cute happy family." I heard Yanti say. Nahmir looked up at me and smile as I reflected his emotion onto my face. Happiness. I leaned down and pecked him on the lips then continued to play with his dreads.

Everyone had a great night. We went around talking about different things. We watched Jordan crawl and walk to different people. Tonight was filled with laughter and happiness.
When the night ended we all stayed over and I made sure to take my medicine. Jordan slept in-between us. Nahmir's arm was across both of us as we slept soundly.

So how did y'all like this chapter. I need more views, comments, and followers so you should recommend this book. Also, I want to know if I should make a separate book for Chris and Alana or for Tre and Yanti.

Do y'all want longer chapters?

Hope you have a nice day byeeeee.


Jasmine (ybn Nahmir) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now