Unfunctional Family Fun

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The table was completely silent. I was pretty sure everyone was afraid to talk. Afraid of what talking might cause. I wasn't going to lie I was also afraid of that. I didn't want another argument especially in front of people I didn't know. Josie might have been with it but I wasn't. I didn't know these people and I definitely didn't want to make a bad first impression. That was not my cup of tea.

Josie has still been furious. She was staring the girl down with every ounce of anger she had in her body. Just watching that brought me back to how many fights she had got in just for us. every time we had a problem she was always the first one to do something about it. she hadn't really changed. She still fought for us unconditionally. This time and been no different.

Kennedy slowly made her way towards us and only then did I realize she was probably better off with the group that could not stop talking we were all quiet and awkward and it sucked. Kennedy stood in front of us as her eyes scanned over our awkward bodies sitting down. Blair let out a giggle from the table in front of us I figured she gave up on her ignoring game and couldn't hold in her laughter. It seems like that was a trigger for Kennedy to do the same. I shook my head at the two almost expecting Josie to also laugh. I should have known better than to think that Josie would do that. She continued to stare at the girl her face didn't move one bit. I knew that she wouldn't let this go. To me, she had never been the type to hold grudges but I guess when it came to family things were different.

The girl Sighed from in front of us. Josie was quick to catch on.

" something you wanna say?" She asked as she raised both of her eyebrows. I knew she was not having a second of what this girl had to offer. I shook my head preparing for another argument.

"nothing love," said the girl with a smile that was clearly trying to provoke Josie. I knew that this war was nowhere near over. In fact, it was just starting. I looked over to Kennedy and Blair who had both looked like they were expecting the same.

"look if you have something you wanna say then say it...love" Josie let out angrily as she licked herself up from the table once more. I turned just in time to see a person come up from behind Josie and place there hand on her shoulder. It was the assistant principal. I knew things could only get worse from here. The lady ran her eyes over the table. I knew she was looking for the problem and who was causing it I knew that we couldn't have gone out of this one. Her eyes locked on mine and I knew that today was going downhill.

"you, you, you, you, and both of you," Said the woman as she pointed to me, Josie, Kennedy, Blair, and oddly enough both the girl and the boy I had thought was cute. The look on his face quickly changed from happy to Mad. I knew that there was no way we could go back to good terms after this. I knew that he had nothing to do with the fight but still the woman called him. we had all managed to get in trouble on the first day and we also brought along two people that we didn't even know. I didn't know how things could get worse.

Let's not forget to mention that I had thought he was cute. I had the best of luck. The boy I had thought was cute probably hated me because of something I didn't even start. Now I knew my chances were gone.

The woman began to take us up the stairs and down to the main office. I couldn't lie I was absolutely furious that I had managed to get in trouble for something I didn't start. It made no sense.

The walk to the office was pretty quiet. Once again no one dared to talk but now it was for a different reason. I looked over to the boy and at this point, he hadn't even looked mad anymore. He just looked tired. Probably tired of me.

I couldn't change anything. Things always went the way they went and there was never any going back so what would be the point of worrying about it. You couldn't change the past.

I looked over at Josie. I wanted to be angry at the girl she was the one who had really put us into this situation but in the end, I knew she was just trying to help. Trying to be a big sister. I looked over to Blair who didn't seem to care at all. I figured to her this was just another get out of the class opportunity. Kennedy, on the other hand, looked more than surprised she looked angry. I hadn't even expected her to care.

We were rushed in the moment we reached the door. We were all quickly pushed into fancy chairs and forced to talk about what had happened down at the cafeteria.

It wasn't long before Blair let out the whole story. I guessed she was tired of sitting and waiting for someone to talk.

"do you think that was necessary Marceline?" asked the assistant principal. I knew from how slow the woman was talking we would be here for a long time.

I quickly began to get comfortable as I watched Marceline make up so horrible lies that defended her. I knew she wasn't as tough as she tried to act earlier. I knew she wouldn't be a problem.

I turned to Blair. She had looked like she was falling asleep but my look brought her back and made her giggle. The girl always laughed at the worst of times.

"What's funny??!!" questioned the woman.

I knew this was going to be a long day.

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