Last Dance

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The door flew open only to reveal more papers and shelves. A whole bunch of things I didn't care about. This wasn't working no matter how much we tried to lie to each other. I was sure everybody could see.

"Ok look we need a plan. All of this aimlessly looking around for something that we aren't even sure we know about is not cutting it" I said as I threw the bill filled papers on the floor. I didn't want to read about how much it cost for some water. I didn't even know what I was looking for in the first place. All I knew was that things weren't going to be easy. We didn't know anything about this place. We didn't know anything about what truth we were trying to find. I couldn't handle it anymore. I needed to say how I felt.

Blair sighed as she fell to the floor. Of course, my words would stress her out. Of course, she couldn't just say what was happening and how we fix it. She didn't have to disclose everything she went through in the hotel but she didn't need to give us something. No matter how much it hurt her. We only had one shot at making it.

"Well Mingyu look it's not that easy I can't just say-"

"yes you can" interrupted a voice from behind us we all shot back to get a glimpse at who was there. Hopefully, it wasn't somebody who wanted to kill us more than anything.

"Nell" I whispered under my breath as the girl revealed herself. I wasn't surprised that she was here but I was surprised that she had the nerve to come up to us.

"If it was that easy then why couldn't you do the same for me?" Blair asked.

"well you and I are not the same Blair," said the girl as she immediately started down the hall almost fully ignoring Blairs' question. This was the only time I would ever agree with Nell. We needed to know. She should even have to think about it because its answer is obvious.

"Blair I don't think you really have a choice," I said as goosebumps began to grow on my skin. For some reason, I felt like something was coming and the truth was I knew me probably right once again. It wouldn't be long before things started to go crazy.

"God just look for evidence us it that hard?" shouted the girl as she picked herself up from the floor and ran her hands through her hair slowly.

"What evidence?" I exclaimed. This girl must've thought that we knew everything she did. We knew nothing compared to her. Ever since the for back from the hotel, we knew nothing. What made her think we would just figure it out magically.

The girl's face fell knowing that she lost. It was obvious she couldn't try to talk her way out of this she had to tell us the truth and she had no other choice.

"We have to find out who killed them," she said as she began to walk forward, "I thought that was pretty noticeable" I could tell by the change in the girl's tone that something was wrong. The way she talked sounded almost dead and empty. There wasn't even an ounce of fear.

I had got my answer but I had also gotten something I didn't want. Another problem. I should have known that this night was going to be filled with that. I would be stupid to think any different.

"what's wrong?" I asked

"you got your answer and you still have more questions?" the girl snapped. I knew I was asking a lot of questions but I also knew they important. We needed to know that and I needed to know that.

"I'm not even going to say anything more," I said as I began walking towards the door that we had all been so excited to go through.

"I'm sorry I just feel like something is wrong. somebody is hurt" said the girl as she began to pace around," I think I can feel it. I don't want to as-"

"it brought your missing piece Blair!" said a deep voice excitedly. I instantly turned around. My eyes met with a Tall blonde haired boy.

With Dean in his arms.

"Dean," she said as she tried to get closer to the boy. Blair instantly shot backward. The boy wouldn't allow Blair to come anywhere near the dean.

"Look don't get all excited on my your little man has some words for you," said the boy as he shook Dean. Dean looked tired, messy, nothing like himself at all. I wondered what they did to him. What he could have done to other people.

"Why didn't you tell me?" whispered the boy "is it because you think I'm weak?"

Blair shot up from the ground with suffering in her eyes. I knew getting thrown to the floor a million times wouldn't stop her from getting to Dean. She loved him too much for her own good.

"n-" she started but the boy quickly stopped her.

"I mean you're not wrong," Dean said as the boy looked down at him with a large grin filled with darkness. "you know that though. I got on the floor and cried for you. I ran away from this place. I guess now I'm just home. It doesn't feel that ba-" the boy's words suddenly stopped as a loud bang echo and a large piece of wood shot up from behind the blonde boy hitting him right in the middle of his head.

The boy fell to the floor and revealed an unsettled Marceline. I never thought I could ever like her as much as I did now.

The boy picked himself up from the ground in anger "back where you belong" yelled the boy as he motioned towards the room behind him. Dean flew through the air and ran right into the door behind him. I watched as the door shut and the lock turned. The boy slowly turned back to us.

I knew we needed to run. I could tell just by the look on his devilish face. Something bad was going to happen.

"you should have been gone by now. Thank you for making it easier" said the boy as he quickly began moving towards us. I threw myself forward and began running down the hall making sure I didn't fall or tumble I couldn't waste any time when it came to getting away. I wasn't going down that easily. Everyone closely followed behind. My heart had been going faster then I could have imagined.

This was only the beginning

I took a left down another hall I hope to Lose the boy. I knew getting separated was bad but I also knew running in a group together was only going to get us caught. We couldn't be together and I didn't mind being the first one to go. Even though the sounds behind me slowly began to disappear that didn't stop anything. I wasn't going to stop running just because I thought it was quite. That wasn't a good enough reason.

My eyes met with two large doors. My hand trembled at the thought of what could have been behind them but I didn't really have a choice. These were the only doors' insight. That was the only place I could go to. Unless I wanted to sit in a hallway till something else decided to try and kill me. Which probably wouldn't have been long.

I decided my options were limited so I might as well have faced whatever had been in front of me. It could only be so bad right?

I threw myself through the doors. With eyes shut tight. I knew I couldn't stay there long. My eyes shot open as the sounds of the door slamming behind me rang out. My eyes scanned my body and then the world around me. I had been covered head to toe in expansive clothes. I had worn a suit perfectly fitted for me.

Before I could comprehend what was happening my body began losing control. My legs began to move to the rhythm of music I had never heard. Then my arms. It wasn't long before my whole body had been moving to the loud music.

"Welcome to the dance of your life Mingyu"

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