Tainted Love

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"you looked at him for too long. I knew how you felt I saw it right there in your eyes. I was sure you were mighty disappointed when you saw the way he looked at George." whispered the girl as the sounds of people coming became louder and louder. She was wrong. One hundred and ten percent wrong. Sure I thought Marc was attractive but when I saw him with George it didn't hurt me. Sure I was disappointed but I wasn't hurt. I would never get hurt because of somebody I didn't even know. The girl sounded insane to me.

"well your wrong. I never liked Marc and I also didn't care when I saw him with George. You don't know me as much as you think you do" I said as I began to walk away "plus why would I care so much about figuring it out. Do you think I would put myself in jail?"

With that I took off down the hallway and towards Kennedy's room. The girl didn't follow. I was sure she knew it was over. I was sure she knew not to mess with me anymore. All of her accusations we're baseless and stupid.

I burst into a door that I knew was Kennedy. It seemed like the girl was deaf. I had made more then enough noise but all the girl did was continue to dance happily in front of her phone. She seemed pretty carefree for somebody who's schoolmate just got murdered. I shook my head and picked up a rather hard pillow. I threw the pillow with all my force. I aimed for her head. I hoped that was enough for her to get out of her dancing trance and pay attention to me. No. She needed to pay attention to everything that had been happening around us.

Things were getting real and here she was dancing in front of her phone.

The pillow rammed right into the side of her head. That had definitely done the trick. I stood there with some crossed as the girl removed her headphone and looked at me like I was in the wrong.

"best thing you could come up with?" she questioned

I sighed and nodded my head "yea pretty much" with that I took a seat on her bed and began to look around. I had never stepped foot in to her room. Until now of course.

She had fairy lights hanging from her ceiling. She had definitely done them herself. She had done most of her room herself.

"where did you put all the stuff that was originally in here?" I asked as I looked around.

"in the closet" she said while pointing to the closet door that wouldn't even close properly " I'm thinking of selling all of it and starting a business"

"thats...illegal," I said as put one of her souvenirs down. "speaking of illegal how you feeling?"

"about the boy?" she asked as she picked up her phone and began going through it.


" I don't know. I'm kinda confused. I just hope it doesn't happen again"

"you don't seem very focused on it" I laughed as I pointed to her phone and then began to copy the dance she had been doing earlier. She laughed as she shook her head.

"worrying is for lames" she said as she picked up her sweater and her room card "lunch?"

I had totally forgotten about eating but now that it was on my mind it was all I could think about. I felt like I didn't even eat dinner the night before. I felt like I hadn't eaten anything for two weeks.

"lets go" I loudly announced as I quickly picked myself up from the bed and went straight towards her door. I didn't want to waste any time. The quicker I got there the better I would feel. I needed to feel better.

The girl laughed as she walked out of the door.

I had been walking quickly and she was trying to keep up. I was starving. I needed to eat. She was taking her sweet time. I couldn't allow that. My stomach and been begging for something to eat.

"are you going to sit with us today?" Kennedy asked. For a second I wondered who she met by us but then it hit me. It was the group that I had been.....friends with. To me they weren't really good company but to Kennedy they were great. That was good for her but I would much rather be by myself. I was just much better company. Well to myself.

"naaaahhh" I said with slight confusion. I didn't want to be really mean I just wanted to answer her question. That was exactly what I did. I just left it somewhat open to interpretation.

The moment we reached the lunchroom was the best moment of my life. I saw both Dean and Blair who looked like they had been ignoring each other but most importantly I saw food.

I went to go straight towards the food but I was rudely stopped by a tall man

"you need to sit first young man" said the man. My stomach growled in response as I turned back around and headed towards dean and Blair.

The moment I reached them I knew something was wrong. There was just bad energy between them. But it want my business.

They had both been quiet and my leg had been bouncing up and down as I started at the food. I felt a soft hand interrupt.

I turned to see Marc. He was looking at all of us with some sort of anger. I had never been more confused.

"look" he said. My heart began to race. I had no idea what was coming and it scared me. " George needs to rest in peace. Stay out of it. Mind your business. Let him rest he deserves it"

I had been totally taken aback. He was really that rude. No thank you.

"tell that too your sister" I responded

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