We Need To

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I didn't care if everybody wanted to just ignore the situation. I needed to know. For myself and for anyone else who could get hurt because of this.

I didn't think twice when it came to rushing out of that door. I quickly moved down the hallway with Blair following me. I was still in shock about the situation. Nothing made sense and I couldn't do anything about that. I would just have to lie my way out of everything. But if I found out it really was me I would need to do a lot more then just that.

I didn't want to think I was capable of doing that but I didn't know that for sure. I needed to know.

I hand fell on my shoulder. I turned to look up at who it was. My eyes fell on a confused Dean. He looked somewhat worried but weren't we all. I didn't have time to tell everyone everything was going to be ok because it probably wasn't going to be ok. In fact, I was positive nothing was ever going to be ok ever again. Wait for no. I pushed those thoughts out of my head quickly. I was starting to sound more like Blair than Blair herself.

I made a sharp turn into my room and immediately felt on my bed. I had been absolutely exhausted. I felt like hadn't gotten any sleep for about three days. That was probably how the whole school was feeling. Nobody ever expected someone who they had seen so much, someone that the worked with to just be gone.

I was sure Marc didn't. This situation made things harder. Marc was a big part of my thoughts ever since I saw him totally shattered this morning. We weren't friends but that didn't change anything. Nobody deserved that. Especially him. He deserved to be happy. Even if it was with George. Even if it wasn't.

I heard a slam of a door and a lock. I knew they had finally caught up to me. I knew there was no more time to ignore them. I sat up and sighed. Both simultaneously took a seat and stared me down. Had they also thought it was me?

"what happened?" Dean asked while threw both of his hands up in the air. I figured he was just as lost as I was.

"a lot," I said as I lied back down. I hoped they would just save the questions for later. "I'm so tired"

"thought you slept last night," Blair said as she raised both her eyebrows. To me, I knew exactly what're was insinuating. She thought I was lying. I looked at her disgusting as I picked myself up from my bed.

"what are you trying to say, Blair?" I questioned as I got closer to the pair. To be that was the million-dollar question.

The girl suddenly got defensive and threw her hands up in the air as if she was trying to surrender. I wondered if she thought I would kill her next.

"do you think it was me?" I asked

"no, I don't think it was you, idiot. I think that your lying. Wait no. I know that your lying" said the girl as she stood up from her seat.

"I'm sure you do," I said sarcastically as I nodded my head. I didn't believe she knew. I did grow up with her. She did know a lot about me. But I highly doubted that she knew the truth about last night. That was practically impossible. She wasn't that good.

Should I tell her the truth? She was my sister. But she wasn't the sister I had known well. She changed every two seconds, she always let her emotions get the best of her. Who knows what she could have been capable of doing to me. The possibilities were endless.

" I'm just waiting for you to tell the truth at this point. I'm pretty good at reading people if you ask me. I just want to know if I'm right." said the girl as she shrugged get shoulders.

The problem with that was that this wasn't a shrugging of the shoulders matter. This was serious. This was real life, not a joking matter. But she didn't understand that. It wasn't her life in the line.

"oh yes, you are so right. I'm just a big fat liar, in fact, I don't remember a single event from last night. I don't even remember sleeping" I laughed. Every joke had a little bit of truth in it. This joke had a lot of truth in it. In fact, this couldn't even pass as a joke.

Blair sighed and sat down "same" she whispered. I stared at her in shock. I wasn't the only one? Maybe everyone experienced it. Maybe I wasn't the killer. This information had been a game-changer. I had no idea how to feel.

Blair laughed "I know right, I just woke up this morning with-"

"no idea how you got there" I interrupted

"wait, wait, wait, what are you even talking about. I remember everything from last night. It was pretty boring too" added Dean who had looked more than confused.

"I would explain to you but I don't even understand in the first place," Blair said as her head fell into her hands. The room for silent for a second.

"When I watched myself on the camera I had been more than confused. I didn't remember feeling sick. I didn't remember anything after you left" I said " I looked around. I looked through everything. There was no sign of anything from last night. Nothing"

"for you," Blair said as she began to lift up her uniform pants. My eyes fell on a huge big mark right around her ankle. I stared in shock. "except for this. This isn't the first time either" then she rolled up her pant leg. My eyes fell on another mark. It was exactly the same. It looked fresh too.

"this one was from 1 month ago," Blair said while pointing to the mark that hadn't looked like it healed remotely. It looked like she had just gotten to yesterday.

Everything was so messed up.

"you were there?" I said as I looked into Blair's eyes "you were"

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