Welcome Home

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"welcome home" those were the words that were plastered on what was once the pink hotel. Even if it was the same place almost everything had been different. I knew the place was showing it's true colors.

The red words written for us wasn't nearly the worse part of the place. The worst part was the hotel it's self. The walls were practically crashing down not only were they falling it was also covered in what looked like dirt. The place looked like it hadn't been touched in fifty years. It was horrible. It was unrecognizable. This was the place where we supposedly belonged. This was our home.

This was the pink hotel.

"I'm not going in there," Kennedy said as we all began to exit the car. Everyone was moving as slow as they possibly probably to stall the situation. By the looks of it, nobody wanted to go in. It wasn't like we really had a choice.

It wasn't long before we all stood before the hotel all at our most vulnerable. Nobody wanted to say the words. The words that would send us straight into hell. The fear in all of us was visible. It didn't help that pretty much all of us had no idea what we were getting into. Blair was the only one who's been through it. Now it was our turn.

"oh Blair I'm so glad you could make it," said a deep sense voice from behind us. I turned around to see somebody I had definitely seen before.

She was in the book.

The book of all the people that the hotel killed she was in there. She was dead. She was dead but she looked more than alive. I felt like I was losing my mind. This was all so unbelievable.

"Adaline" Blair whispered under her breath as she took a step away from the girl.

"It seems like you finally had the time of day to learn my name. That's nice" said the girl as she came towards me "either way we all have places we need to be" the girl wrapped her arm around me and began pulling me towards the hotel. Instantly I tried to pull back. I didn't move. It was like the girl was controlling my and I had no other option to go along with whatever she had planned.

"there's no point in trying to leave me you have to come inside no matter what. I'm just doing it nicely" said the girl as she turned to everybody behind us.

"What happened here?" asked Marc as we got closer.

"don't be rude Georges's boyfriend never judge a book by its cover," said the girl as she pulled the door open. I looked inside while she looked at marc. The place had looked completely abandoned. Broken down and ruined forever. Unfixable.

I turned back to the group who had marc by his arms keeping him from going up to the girl.

"Just get the hell in" she yelled as she threw me through the front door.

My eyes were shut tight as I got the ground expecting to feel millions of glass and dirt particles under me but that wasn't what I got. I slowly opened my eyes. Once again everything had been different. Once again things weren't real. I knew what was real now.

My eyes squinted from the bright light in the hotel as I picked myself up off the floor. Instantly I looked behind me in hopes that I wasn't alone. Being alone was my worst fear at this point.

Right as I turned Blair shot into the room and everybody else followed. Now knowing that I wasn't in serious danger I took a look around. My eyes scanned the bright room filled with people having fun and dancing around.

"This isn't real" Wren whispered from behind us

"how do you know?" Questioned Kennedy as she began to walk forward. I had definitely agreed with Wren she was smart and she knew a lot. This place had been different from how I remembered it. Something was just off. Something that I could explain.

"It's real of course. It's just not what you perceive to be real. That's the only difference" Said the blonde-haired girl as she took off into the crowd happily.

My eyes fell on Nell who had been dancing across the floor. She looked happy. That was something I never saw.

"I've missed you," said a familiar voice. One I never thought I would hear again. My headshot back towards Marc. I watched as George slowly approached him lovingly. I didn't care how real this was supposed to be. I didn't trust any... Thing in this place. To me, they were all like the rest. No matter how happy they seemed the still had other motives. They still were missing something.

I didn't know if it was jealousy or something else but I didn't want Marc anywhere near George.

"it's been a long time you know," said the boy he slowly turned his head to me "since you killed me" his face had changed for a split second.

It was an expression so filled with anger so filled with hate. Then it was gone.

"well till home killed me. Home killed me and brought me back. Back where I belong. I wouldn't trade it for; anything" the boy twitched at his last words "let's request a song, guys. I can't wait to show you what we're really about".

The boy took off down the large group of people and motioned us towards the band that had been playing older music.

"what do you think we should-" The boy's voice trailed off as he said those words "ill be...back"

We didn't think twice about the boy's words as the band started to give us options. That was until the silence behind me had become overwhelming.

I took a gulp as I slowly turned around.

My eyes widened as I stared in shock. What had just happened?

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