Who Is She?

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"Nell?" Blair whispered. Her voice echoed out in the room. I hadn't really known what was happening but I knew just from Blair's voice that things were about to take a turn.

Blair didn't move. She didn't do anything after those words left her mouth. All she did was stare at the girl. I wished I could've known why. I had never seen the girl in my life but to Blair that girl was important. Her presence was enough to put anger into Blair's heart. That was all I needed to know. In that moment I felt what Josie did. I wanted to protect Blair and make sure that this girl didn't hurt her. On the inside, I knew Blair didn't need my protection.

"you didn't help me," said Blair angrily as the girl stared back. The girl had been acting totally oblivious to Blair's anger and even Blair herself. I knew better than to trust that. "you knew. You could have changed everything. But now? Now things will never be the same; I thought you were my friend?"

Blair had tried to seem tough and angry throughout even sentence but in her final words, you could hear the hurt this girl had caused.

The girl's face changed at Blair's words. Her act had quickly faded away and was replaced with a look of disgust. The look was enough to trigger me. I had no control over my body as I tried to push myself towards the girl.  Blair quickly stopped be but that didn't change the anger this girl had caused me. No one could look at my family like that. I hoped Blair wouldn't hold her anger in.

The girl key out a small laugh "we were Blair that's what you don't understand. We were friends but who ruined that. You made your bed now lay in it" said the girl as she began to grab her stuff. I knew Blair wasn't going to let it go.

I turned to the person I had forgotten about. Kennedy. Kennedy had been with this girl. For some reason, I wasn't surprised. She seemed like the type Kennedy would be friends with. Somebody who would benefit her.

Blair didn't speak a word as she watched the girl get closer. I had known that as an ad idea. But the girl hadn't been scared of Blair one bit. Blair didn't seem to care about that though.

My head turned towards Blair whose eyebrows were furrowed and first clenched. I wondered if Blair would lay a punch straight on the girl's face. I wasn't going to lie That was exactly what I wanted. That was exactly what the girl deserved.

Of course, I wasn't sure about that but I didn't really care. The look she gave Blair was enough for me to hate her. I could only imagine what she had to do to have started all of this in the first place. Blair hated altercations but she welcomed it when it came to this girl. That said a lot.

The girl seemed to be paying absolutely no mind to all of us in the room. we had all been staring her down and she didn't care a bit. All she did was walk forward and ignore our stares. I caught a glimpse of Blairs foot bouncing up and down as the girl got closer. I knew Blair wasn't going to be able to hold it in.

The girl tried to give us one final look before she left but Blair didn't let that happen. She pushed the girl backward and got closer to her. I heard a faint whisper from the girl. I could make out what she was saying but I had known that it had angered the girl.

"you're not far from it darling," said the girl as she tried to push Blair out of the way. Blair wasn't going to Budge. She was stubborn. I knew if she wanted something she would get it. Things were really that simple.

Blair pushed the girl back one more time. This time I heard the words she spoke. They didn't help me understand anything. In fact, they just left me more confused.

"your dead"

I wondered if Blair had really just planned on killing her or if it meant something else. Blair began to repeat those words as the girl continued trying to getaway. I knew that whatever she had meant was important. Well important enough for her to repeat it thousands of times.

I turned to Kennedy who loomed just as confused as I was. It seemed like her new friend had already gotten off on the wrong foot with her sister. I knew that that was something nobody wanted. But you couldn't change things. Things we're the way they were.

It wasn't long before the girl finally had enough of Blairs shoving and pushed get back the girl let out the words "I'm nowhere near dead in fact your much closer to death than me"

Her words seemed to stop Blair. I figured Blair had enough of tormenting this girl. I shook my head as I watched the girl take advantage of the situation and rush right past Blair. Blair didn't seem to care about this. To me, it seemed like Blair had already gotten what she wanted. I was happy that Blair got what she wanted out but still, I couldn't forget about the events that had taken place earlier.

I looked a Kennedy who looked obviously mad that get sister had just tried to fight her first actual friend. She turned away and headed towards the back exit that the girl had failed to notice earlier.

I turned back to Blair who had already been halfway out if the room. The moment I caught up to get I heard her small whispers.

"why is she here?" the girl asked herself as we walked. She seemed to be totally ignoring my existence but I still needed my question answered.

"who is she?" I asked. Suddenly the girl turned to and looked into my eyes.

" I need to go" her eyes were wide with an emotion I couldn't decode.

The girl took off and this time I knew it would be better not to follow her.

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