School Fight

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The rest of our trip home had been useless and sleepless. After the events that occurred, we were all a little on edge. Nobody knew what was going to happen next or who I was going to be next. But that wasn't the half of it.

The moment I walked back into the school I had that same feeling except ten times worse. In this situation, I was actually in danger. Somebody was murdered right where I slept and nobody had no clue about who it was or how to stop it I was pretty sure with my family's luck we would be the next in trouble.

That was all I thought about from the morning up until now. As I sat at the dinner table I looked at everybody suspiciously. It had to be one of them. There was no other option when it came to this situation. No break-in. Nothing. It was one of us.

"let's go somewhere their energy here is not very good" Blair whispered as she motioned towards the exit. She had been right. It was obvious that nobody trusted each other. We had all had one eye open at all times. Even at this table.

"let's go," I said as I got up from the table and headed towards the exit.

"you know you guys are always leaving before diners over and after all that happening I feel like that's a bad idea," said a security guard. He didn't try to escort us away or stop us from leaving all he did was warn us of the dangers and then sent us on our merry way. I couldn't disagree with the man he was right. It was dangerous and I did know that being out of the group could put us in danger but for some reason, that's what I wanted.

Well, I wanted to know. I wanted a hint of something. That hint didn't look like it was exactly coming my way. I didn't look like anything would happen but it sure did feel that way. I could feel it. I knew that this wouldn't be the end. If it was that wouldn't really make sense. People didn't just kill once especially if they didn't have a reason.

"don't worry about it we'll be fine," said Blair as we continued down the hallway. For somebody so affected she sure knew how to be calm.

"let's hide in here," I said as I point to what looked like an empty library.

"really a library?" she questioned. For somebody so smart she sure didn't seem like she was remotely interested.

"Yup," I said as I looked back at her and pushed forward. The girl's face turned from a laugh to alarm. My headshot forward in fear that the man was right about something going wrong. My eyes fell on something I never expected. Something that never even crossed my mind. Something I could even fathom. I had been broken by the image.

My baby sister stood as the top of the stairwell with tears in her eyes and a noose in her hands as a shadowy figure watched from behind.

It took me a moment to realize that the figure had been Nell.

Yes, her very own friend Nell. Yes, the girl she was sticking up for. This girl was going to watch my baby sister kill herself. Hell, it was probably the girl's idea in the first place.

Blair angrily rushed pasted shocking both Kennedy and the Girl.

"I don't care if your already dead tonight I'm going to kill you" Yelled the girl with all of the anger she had in her body.

Nell began to walk past Kennedy who's eyes had been filled with fear. Nell didn't look mad she didn't look like she had any emotions. That was my first hint that something was truly wrong with the girl. Well, second because she tried to watch my little sister kill herself.

I knew it had been and for Kennedy but not this bad I didn't know she had been so hurt by being adopted. I knew that it was the end if the world to her but I just figured she would get over it like she had done plenty of times before.

Blair dropped her book bag as she got closer to the girl. That was when it hit me what was really going to go down. Blair was going to fight.

Maybe even kill her but I doubted that.

"you sure about this," I asked as she continued getting closer to the girl. I knew that if Blair was going to fight I had to watch like a hawk in every which way. I would jump in on a girl's fight but I did need to make sure everything was going smoothly. Like not letting Kennedy get in the way which I already knew was going to happen because of how she dropped the noose and began towards us.

"I don't need a second thought," She said as she finally reached Nell and threw her first forward with all the power she had. I watched as everything happened so quickly. Blair had now been going crazy on the girl and Kennedy had begun running towards the girls. I instantly went forward and grabbed Kennedy before she could touch them.

A loud slam hit rang out as Blair threw the girl to the floor. Blair began to punch hard. First, there were marks but then it got worst.

The girl ms face began to shrivel up and her body did the same. Her pale skin had turned into what looked like but charcoal. Her body had looked burnt up as the girl slowly disintegrated.

"Wtf?" Kennedy yelled as she tried to break out of my arms.

Blair fell to the ground. She had looked almost as dead as the girl who had disappeared.

"Nell is dead. In fact, she's been dead since however long ago. All that girl wants is to be human. Since she didn't get that with me she's turned into this...thing" Blair motioned towards the door. I turned my head only to once again see Nell. She had been just as beautiful as before she shriveled up.

"wha-" the door shot up open and revealed a familiar face.

"Mingyu I need to talk to you"

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