Chapter one

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Hi, I just meet this awesome girl who help me editing this book. I truly appreciate your effort dear. I can't thank you enough...

Thank you... Tiwana0768

Archer PoV

"I am not going to marry anyone, most certainly not a women I don't know or even exist. To hell with your stupid business." I snap angrily towards my father and my grand father.

I thought my day will be perfect. But it turned out to be pretty hell. I am sitting in front of my grand and dad in my grandpa’s study and getting more and more annoyed every minute now. Who will be delighted when your grand father and father suddenly summon you and not ask but demand you to marry a total stranger.

"Yes you will. And I will not repeat my reason why. I am determined to marry you off to a women that is meant and good for you." These were the exact words of my grandpa who is seated across me.

So you get the picture why i am pissed.I look at him and stared into his eyes as if asking ‘are you serious right now’. But all I can see is determination which shows that he is indeed serious.

"But how do you know she is the right one for me? Are you sure she is not after my money and power?" I asked them incredulously. 

"You don't have any say in this matter Archer Martin.”my dad snapped. “I have had enough of your playboy ways. Do you think I don’t know about your escapades every night with different whores? Are you intended to make yourself known as man whore?"Dad is spatting venom. Only if looks could kill, i would have been dead by now.

"Dad, I swear! I am not into relationship or anything. Those stolen shots are not what you think it is. " I said defensively.

But dad was not having any of that. He grabbed a pile of papers from a drawer and threw them in front of me. I winced and looked towards now scattered papers.To my shock, they were not just some papers, there were pictures of me with different women beside me or clung to me and more worse, now scattered on the table in front of all us.

"Are you telling me these photos are fake ? “Dad asked in a slow tone and then spat angrily. “Are you calling my investigator a liar? If I may say so myself, I can clearly see that these photos are neither fake nor photoshopped. It is you.. And you want us to watch it blindly while you slowly taint your and our family’s reputation?"I had nothing to say about that as i am young and enjoying my life to the fullest. Marriage is just a lifelong trap to me.

But before i could say anything or make another excuse, grandpa spoke up”Well son,whether you like it or not you are going to marry her. If not, then I will withdraw all my shares from the company and also I will kick you out as CEO. Since I have this very nice evidence that the current CEO is nothing but a man whore".Then he slowly stood up like he wants to end this stupid meeting.

"I will let you handle your son for now Lucas. Keep this in mind that  I will not hesitate to withdraw all shares, including yours too if you can’t convince this son of yours to marry her. I want the final decision by tomorrow morning ." Great!! now grandpa is threatening my dad too.

As for me, i am beyond pissed right now. Grandpa is ready to ruin everything just for some ‘goodie to shoes ‘girl. "But grandpa you can't do this to me? You will withdraw everything just for this girl? Who is she?" I asked him.

"I will tell you when you agree to marry her.” was his answer. “For now, I hope you will give me a nice morning tomorrow when I wake up. I am counting on you Lucas" grandpa said while looking towards my dad and then walked out of his study leaving me and my dad together.

"So now you are fully aware of the situation.” Came dad’s tired voice like he is fed up of this situation too.”Son, just trust your grandpa in this matter. I think he knows what he is doing. I have never seen him being this persistent regarding any other matter. But can you blame him if he want you get settled? Just look what you done to your self.” Dad sighed and after a pause he said,”I think he is right. Just marry the girl and you will be free from all the problems." walking to me ,he patted my back and stood in front of me.

"You are my son and I want you to be happy. I don't want people to see you as a sick maniac or man-whore.Now stop brooding and lets go. Your mom is waiting for us in the living room. Take your time till morning and give us a good decision this time." He said with a finality in his tone and walked out of the door.

I heaved a big sigh after he left. I am annoyed and confused that why is my dad trusting my grandpa in his sudden decision and why is grandpa insisting that I marry his chosen bride. What kind of women is she that my grandpa is so smitten by her? There are so many questions going on in my mind.

Just then my phone rang and I come out of my thoughts.I grab my phone and look at the screen.It shows that my one and only best friend, Xavier Anderson, is calling me.As I pick up the call, his voice comes from other side,

"Hey! Are you up for bar tonight? Leslie and her bunch of friends wants to have some good time. She is saying that they had fun last time bro and her friends kinda want more, so are you good tonight?"

This is our routine most of the days, we concentrate on our work whole day and then go to the bar for having fun in the evening. But after today’s events, god knows how much i need some booze in system and some women to take my mind all off this bullshit.

"Leslie and friends?? What they want more huh? Sure! This is what I want at this moment. Same vip bar? " I confirmed.

"Yup! So are you in?" He asked

"Of course! I will be there! Fuck I want some booze in my system and some good time with women tonight. Call you when I arrived" I hung up without waiting for his response and head towards living where mom is waiting.

After talking to my mom for sometime ,I bid goodbye and drove my car to my house. 

I went inside my shower room and took a bath to calm some of my nerves. All kinds of thoughts and questions are going on in my mind. But I try to forget all the stupid marriage crap and grab a pair of button down shirt and a black faded jean and pair it with sport shoes. I like to keep it casual as per my looks are concerned.I take a look in the mirror and spray my favourite perfume. Going down the stairs, I grab my wallet and keys , then hit the road towards my destanation.

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