Chapter eight

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Ysabella POV

I had a very hectic schedule thats why I feel like my whole energy is drained.Now I am sitting in my cabin and drinking some water to regain my energy. My door suddenly burst and shocked me. I saw Emma coming inside fuming with anger.

"What happened?" I asked confused, thinking what made her so angry.

"That stupid guy! He keeps on flirting with me. " her cheeks are burning red with anger right now.

"Which guy are be talking about here?''i asked again telling her to take a seat.

"One and only Xavier knight. The guy we saved last night! If he has not been our patient, I would have strangled his neck by now. Arrggh!!! He is the most infuriating and hideous guy I ever known!"

"Woah! What did he do to make you go crazy like this?"I let out a chuckle.

She rolled her eyes at me and explained"I went to check his vitals and run down a test on him. While I was checking his breathing he got touchy with me. He grabbed my waist and kissed me." She was silent for a moment."That jerk! He stole my first kiss. Shit shit!!!" She added like a afterthought looking much more furious then before.

I was kind of surprised but it was hard to control my laugh. I know it's kind of bad of me to laugh at her but her reaction is so priceless.

"What happened after that?" I asked.

"What do you think?? Of course I slapped that moron! How dare he kiss me! Then he just smiled like nothing happened.I swear I want to kill him."Then she requested," Can you do me a favor. Can you do the next check up of him? I think I will pass this one. I do not want to kill one of my patients!"

"Hahahaha... Ok! Ok! I will handle this one. No need to go there anymore."

"Anyway why are you still here? Do you plan sleeping here in hospital again?" She asked dismissing all other thoughts.

"Nope my dad just called me. We're going to have dinner with one of his business partner" I just half lied to her.

I am not ready to accept this marriage thing completely and telling her would be like all said and done. I know where we going. My dad said we're going to have a dinner with Mr and Mrs Martin at their house where they invited us.

"So your not excluded? That's new huh?" She said.

Emma knows that my family treat me indifferently. So it's shocking to her why I am going to this dinner. If only she knew the truth.

"Yup! It's shocking to me too. But anyway I got to go. I need to prepare for that dinner. And Emma you sure you don't want that patient? Xavier?" I asked her in a playful tone

"Don't you dare bring that name again. I hate him to the core!" She was full on glaring at me.

"Hahahaha... He's handsome you know!! What if....?"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. I swear I am going to end our friendship!"

"Ouch!! You are a bad friend." I said faking hurt and then laughed which got me a eye roll and a glare again." Ok I will go now bye bye!"

I went to my car and drove off to my house.

"Why are you so late? Come on hurry up and fix your self!" My step mom said to me as I entered the house and I just nodded in reply.

"Mom! I don't have a new dress. "my step sister Lucy said.

I climbed the stairs and went inside my room. I took a quick bath and grabbed my only black dress from my closet. I did a little bit of makeup and let my hair down.

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