Chapter four

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Thank you dear Tiwana0768 for the help!!!😘😘😘😘😘

Ysabella POV

"Doctor Belle someone wants to speak to you over the phone, he said his name is Archer Martin and you would know him" My assistant told me while I was studying one of my new patients’s case.I am still in shock after yesterday’s events and trying to divert my mind by keeping myself busy.

But Archer’s phone call, made me realize that i have to face the reality.I look up from the patients’s file.My assistant was standing near my cabin’s open door, waiting for my reply.

"Ok I will speak to him. Thank you Dorris" I said and I picked up the call that she has transferred to me.

"Hello" I greeted try to act strong but my voice came out weak. I am nervous about why is he calling me that too on my work phone.

"Meet me in La Belle Italian restaurant at 7pm. Don't be late" came a cold voice from other side.

"What the...?" Before I could finish my sentence, he hung up.

Who does he think he is? Why is he ordering me?Archer’s phone call did nothing to calm my nerves, instead it made me more anxious.

Suddenly my personal phone started buzzing and my father's name came on the screen. I let go off a big sigh and answered it.

"Yes dad?"

"Come home now! We need to talk." My dad said in a commanding tone.

"Dad I still have one surgery left, I will be home at four in the afternoon." I answered him slowly, not wanting to make him angry.

"Fine! Be quick ok?" Was his stern response before he hung up.He didn’t even bother to hear my answer.

God, what's with these people today and why they keep hanging up on me while I am still talking to them.Trying to divert my mind again,I take look at my wristwatch and see that its’s time for my today’s last surgery.

Gathering all the files of my patient, I head to the operation theatre. Before, I begun the surgery I try to assure my patients family that i will try my best and there seem no complications till now. I come out of operation theatre after forty five minutes and gave good news to my patient’s family.

"Mam/Sir thank you for waiting. It’s my pleasure to tell you that the surgery is success." I told family and they had tears of joy in their eyes. Seeing such happiness on other’s face give me immense satisfaction and I forget my personal problems for time being.

The older lady comes near me and give a hug"Thank you child, you are such a good doctor.I will always pray for your success and happiness." She gave me blessings.

"It's my job but thank you so much for your kind words. I will be leaving now. Your son will be shifted to another room now and you can see him after an hour. Nurses will keep you updated." I informed them and quickly went to my Cabin to gather my things.

Heading to the parking I was again surrounded by the thoughts of marriage and what dad want to talk about. I drove towards our house still in daze.

Upon arriving inside the house, our Butler informed me that my father called me to his study room.

I knocked on the door and went inside after I heard a come in.

"Dad you called me"

"Sit down..."He gestured towards the chair in front of his desk and I sat down. I feel like something is going to happen that I am not gonna like a one bit.

I was waiting for my dad to say something"I want you to sign these papers." He pointed to the papers that were kept in front of me.

Not understanding what these papers are for and why he need my signature, I asked "What's this dad?" While I look up to him strangely.

"These are your mom’s inheritance transfer papers. These papers convey that you willingly want to waver all your rights regarding the inheritance to me and your company shares as well. I want you to sign them."

"But dad I already gave you the authority to handle everything a long time ago. You know, I don't want anything to do with mom’s business." I ask still confused.

"Yes! But once you get married your husband will be entitled the owner of your property too. So to avoid that, I want you sign these papers while you are not married yet"

Of course it's all about money, i thought and dad is so obsessed with money. How can i be so stupid and still have a little hope that dad will cancel the marriage as i am not ready. I was once again disappointed by my dad. Sometime I think that if mom was live now, things would have been different and won’t have to get married forcefully.I start to get up, of course after signing the papers, but my dad’s voice interrupt me.

"Ahh before I forget, your sister asked  for money and said she need it urgently. Transfer some money in her account.You can go now"

This is the thing I hate about my family, they all only care about money... "But I gave her money last week too for her bag. She bought that limited edition of Valentino bag. Isn’t that enough dad??" I try to voice out my thoughts but again met with my dad’s angry ,blazing eyes.

"You give her what she want.Don’t show me that attitude just because you earn some money.At least your sister know our family standards and use the money on better things than you."

"But I work hard for it dad!"I try to retort but it’s like all I say is going to deaf ears.

"I said give her the money. Do I need to repeat myself.”He spat angrily.

"Ok" I sighed and took out my phone to transfer money to my sister’s account.

" I transferred the money to her. Is that all dad?"I ask in a week voice as I am at verge of tears.

"You can go now!" He said but did not bother to look up to me. I left thinking that i can never be his priority and he will never care about me.

God!! Even 100% of my income always goes to my sister’s account. She only buy unnecessary things likes clothes, jewelries, bags , shoes with that money or waste it on parties and clubs.

On the other hand, I only have few pairs of clothes, bags and I don't even own any jewelry. The only accessory I have is a black leather watch, which was given to me by my mom on my 10th birthday. Though it's old but I wear it all the time cause I feel like she's with me all the time.

After changing my clothes, I set my alarm clock to six ,since I need to meet that Mr.Martin’s grandson at seven thirty and take a quick nap.

I woke up with the sound of my alarm and quickly went to the rest room to take a quick shower and grabbed a pair of clothes on my way.I am not a type of a girl to spend a lot of the time in closet looking for perfect outfit. I just always grab some decent clothes and set to go.I put my hair down and just wear flats as I am not fan of high heels. And it's not good for a doctor especially when I need my feet to run around the hospital most of the time.

I slide inside my car and headed to Italian restaurant.I asked for Mr. Martin at the reception when i reached there.

I was guided towards the Vip area and a waiter showed me the table.I saw a guy sitting in the corner busy typing on his phone. I can’t see much of his face but he has a well built body.

"Good evening" I greeted as I reached near the table.Thats when he looked up from his and I was able to see his face. My step- sisters words came into my mind and i thought that he does look like a greek god.When i came out of my thoughts, I saw that he is eyeing from head to toe and haven’t responded to my greeting.

"Have a seat"  He said without breaking the eye contact.

What's with this guy?

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