Chapter Eleven

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Archer POV

After I exited my grandparents house, I went straight to my office. I have many meetings pending as Xavier is still in the hospital.

He took, staying in the hospital will for a moment, pretty seriously.

I wonder is he really that attracted to Yasbelle’s colleague.

I went inside and hurriedly reached my office. Perks being a boss, you can be late going to work and nobody can question you. I sigh as I sit down to read some papers related to the meeting but the memories from last night and this morning started to flash in front of my eyes.

This morning, when I knocked on her door,I was shocked and surprised.Her beauty blew my mind. The image of her so simple and carefree in her cute pajama outfit. I know my knocking woke her up so she was still fresh from sleep, no make-up, nothing.

Before coming here,I gave her my credit card. I know I told her she can't get my money. But it's our wedding anyway so basically I should paid for it.

I was still lost in these thoughts and have not read even a word from the file in front of me.My phone chimed indicating that I received a message. I open my phone to have a look.

It is my grandma sending me pictures of Yasbelle while trying different wedding gowns.

I can't help but admire her. She took my breath away as her simplicity is her best feature. I was not able to think that I am looking at the pictures of a girl, whom I despise, like a list puppy. I was still looking at the different dresses that she was wearing in the pictures and her beauty when another message came in.

Grandma was asking me to choose a gown that best suited her best.I know it should be her choice but I don’t want her to wear 1st and 2nd gown so I chose the 3rd and last one. I know she looked beautiful in all of them but the first and second were kinda revealing. So that's a no!

Shit!! I just realized now what I am doing. Since when did I care if a woman’s dress is too revealing or not?Why am I thinking this about her, why am  getting possessive. I shake my head, trying to erase these thoughts.

Whatever this was, I will never pursue what I felt for her in this minute. She's not the right girl for me. She's after my money and I won’t let her succeed.

I decided to consentrate on my work rather than thinking about these stupid feelings.

Ysabella POV

Since we reached the boutique, Grandma has been squealing like a kid. She's more excited than me.

"Good morning, I am Martha at your service. what can we do for you Mrs Martin?" The employee greeted her politely.

"Show me your most expensive wedding gown that will fit for my grand-daughter here!" She said giving a smile to me.

"Very well madam! Please wait in the room. I will gather all the gowns for your grand-daughter to try.”She said.

"Ok let's go, please lead the way!"

When we are inside the room, I started to look around. It is a very beautiful room and it has many decorations for wedding.

Martha barged into the room with a plenty of wedding gowns.

"Dear pick which the ones you like. And you can try then inside the fitting room!" She said while busy checking the gowns as well.

In the middle of choosing, when she saw I haven’t chose any yet, she gave me four gowns that I think are all beautiful. But I am kind of thinking about the price.

Anyhow,I started  to try all the gowns she picked one by one and showed to grandma. She snapped my pictures in all the gowns tried.

While grandma was busy on her phone, I secretly asked Martha about the prices of the gowns. I can't afford an expensive one, so I will choose one that I can afford.

"Miss these all four gowns have the same price.” She said. I checked the price of the one I was holding and nearly choked on my own spit.

The price of the one gown is my total one year’s salary. How can I afford it? When I always have to give the half of my salary to my sister.

"What's the matter dear?" Grandma said. I just notice her as she was already on my side.

"Nothing grandma!” I said while smiling at her trying to hide the turmoil going inside me.

"No tell me dear. Please!" I might not be that good in hiding my emotions as grandma was looking at me now little worried. Then she looked to Martha and said"Do you know what happened ?!"

I looked at Martha and I shook my head signing her not to tell.

"Mam she asked the gown prices.” But she replied looking a little uncomfortable.

"Then what happened dear? Why do you look so sad? Are the gowns too cheap for you? Tell me so we can change it to more expensive ones !"She exclaimed, thinking completely opposite to what I was thinking about. I was shocked by her words.

"No no! Don't change it grandma. It's just too much. I can't afford to buy it. That's all!" I told her. Although I did not want to.

"Which one do you like dear?" She asked me.

"The third one grandma!" I told her timidly. I like it but can afford it.

"Ok Martha we will get the third one. "

"But grandma I really can’t afford it. Please!" I looked at her pleading.

"Don’t worry dear. You look sinfully beautiful in this gown and my grandson said he liked that one too. Heheheheh” She winked at me.”I showed him the pictures I took awhile ago!" She said smiling while I was just standing these shocked.

"My God!! grandma that's too embarrassing.!" I facepalm myself, what would he think of me, he already think that I am a gold digger and now these expensive gowns. He must be so angry.

"What are you talking about? Your so beautiful in all these gowns.Ok? !"

"But grandma...!"

"Shhhhh... That's enough. You will listen to me now. Your beautiful inside and out dear. That's why me and your grandpa really like you so much. In fact we love you!"

"Thank you grandma but still I can't afford it. Do they accept instalments here?"

"What are you talking about. My grandson said to use his card. If you don't want we can use my card dear. Come on you are going to be my granddaughter and my son wife !" She said smiling adoringly towards me.

"But it's not right grandma. I am already in a deep debt because you invest in my father’s company, and now you are going  to pay this dress. Atleast let me buy it for me.!"

"No!! No!! We're going to use my card. Let's go we still need to buy jewelry, bags, make-up, perfumes and clothes and of course lingerie! I'm so excited!" She left no room for discussion and took my hand to drag me to different stores.

Grandpa was right. She really does love shopping which I can't seem to understand why. It's a waste of time, energy and most importantly money.

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