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Ysabella POV

A loud knock startle me. It was Archer!

"Belle open the door. Let's talk!" He said

I don't want to talk about it. Since I don't know this emotions inside me. It's very unknown and I never experienced it even since.

"Belle please talk to me!" He said

"Can we talk next time. I just need to rest for now!"I said over the door. I don't want to open it .I am not ready to what is he going to say.

"Ok but..ok for now I will let you go! But no more next time!" He told me. Then I heard his steps walking away from the door.

Then I changed my clothes and slip into my bed and let sleep toke over me.

Morning comes I intentionally woke up early as my usual. Trying to avoid bumping to Archer in the house. I pick clothes and wear it fastly.

I tiptoe and look around I let go a sigh but I got surprised when someone cough at the back

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I tiptoe and look around I let go a sigh but I got surprised when someone cough at the back. I slowly went to the door. But a big hand grab me and makes me turn to him.

"Where are you going so early?" He asked me.

"In the hospital!" I said but I bow down my head.

"Isn't it too early for your shift?" He said

"Theirs an emergency in the hospital. I need to go early" I said

"Your not good at lying aren't you?" He said while he put my hair on my ear.

"I'm not!" I said.

"Then why can't you look at me in the eyes?" He asked.

"I am!" Then I look at him. I noticed he has eyes bag and with dark circle around it. I frown looking at him.

"Are you ok? " I asked him

"I did not sleep not even made a wink last night!" He said.

"But why?"

"Because I can't! Knowing that you saw us that way. And you might miss understand it. I am so worried." He look so sad

"But why?" I said to him.

"I.. I like you..!" He said and my eyes went wide.


"I like you. I truly I am. You make me happy and your beautiful inside and out!" He said to me.

"I think you just had a little shocked because of the plane crushed. I don't think you had taking liking me. It's impossible!!" I said shaking my head trying not to think of anything of what he said

"Why is that impossible? And by the way didn't I told you not to wear short clothes. !" He said eyeing me from head to toe.

"Archer it's not too short ok! Anyway I'm comfortable moving in this kind of clothes!"

"Fine but let's eat first breakfast.! You can sit in the kitchen stoll." Then he grab my hands and walk me to the kitchen.

"I'll help you cook breakfast then! " But he stop me and make me sit in the still

"Nope! I want to cook for you!" He whined.

Then he began cooking pancakes and waffles. He even cook fried egg. After he finished he set it in the table. I jump from the still and attempt to help him.

But he took hand and guide me to table and make me sit to the chair.

After setting the food in the table. He stir milk and coffee. He put the milk in front of me and he took the coffee for himself.

"Here is your milk. Eat everything I cook for you.!" While he took sit beside me. I become conscious since he drag his chair near me and it's too close for my liking.

He put two pancakes and waffles in my plate and fried egg. I look at him dumbfounded.

"I can't take it all Archer ! That's too much!" While I wave my hand try to protest.

"Nope! Didn't I said you will eat everything I cook for you? Beginning today I will make you eat more. Look at your body your too thin. You don't even have fats!"

"Do you want me to get fat?" I asked him suprise.

"Nope just wanted to have you gain a little fats. Look at your body you look like a model. No wonder men looking at you ! Your too sexy and your skin it adds more attraction and plus your long black shiny hair.!"

I didn't reply him what he said making me feel conscious. Is he really saw me that way?

"By the way! Can you stay out of Mark?!" He asked

"Why?" While chewing the food.

"Because I don't like him. He likes you too much. " He mumbled making his face crunch

"I told you he's been courting me but I refuse him. I am too busy with my work especially now I volunteer to go to South Africa for a mission.!"

"And why is that? They're are too many doctors available to volunteer. Why not them!" He said whined.

"Archer I been volunteering for almost three consecutive years. I love to help people in need. It's makes me happy seeing them getting better!" I said am so smile at him.

"How many are you volunteering!" He asked

"I don't know! Mark said he will come this time. Last time he did not able since he had hectic schedule in the hospital!"

"What!!" He said out loud and stood up from his chair. I nod at him in response then continue eating.

"You can't go there!" He said and I look at him confused.


"Because his there!! I wouldn't allow that!" He said looking frustrated right now

"He? Mark? We're going there volunteer Archer it's work!"' I. Said trying to calm him.

"Nope for sure he volunteer because you were there!" He sigh and grab his hair

"Archer it's not!" Trying to reason out him.

"You will not go there and that's final! I will not allow it!" Huh? When did it become like this?

"Archer it's my job! Ok I am volunteering there!" I insisted

"You can't I won't let you!" He said and glared at me

"Why? Anyway my name is already listed on it.!"

"Nope I will not permit it. I am your husband. You should asked permission from me." He pointed his self.

"But Archer!"

"No means no! I will find way to cancel it. And that's final. Over my dead body I will let that bastard took a step ahead of me! "

"Archer, Mark is not a bastard he's a good guy. !"

"No! He will take you away from me so no! He is not!" He said angrily.

"You can't be serious Archer?"

" I am very serious and I don't want others takes what's mine especially you. Your my wife!" He said seriously and almost drop my spoon because of shock.

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