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Archer POV

Today is the best day of my life.

I woke up early in the morning so I can cook breakfast for us. I told Mrs Davis that I will in charge for today's breakfast.

Because I am not used in cooking. It's bit hard but I managed though I got burn in my lower hand.

That's ok! As long I got to see her eat the food I cook.

After I finished cooking. I excitedly went upstairs to inform her that breakfast is ready. But I got bump by her and she step back making some space between us.

I asked her why she's in hurry but she noticed my burn hand and though she hesitate to treat it but I was able to convince her to do it for me.

After she finished treating me she was about to leave but I grab her forcefully making her push me in the bed and straddled me.

The sight of her flush face and when I look down her hem of dress slightly went upward making me see her white flawless thigh. I feel my little friend down there twitch.

I groan when she move and climb down to me. She unintentionally touch my lower thigh. Shit! She look sexy while she's trying to fix her dress.

How I wish I can rip her clothes off and ravish her in her own bed. I lick my lower lip trying to hold my thirst for her.

I asked her to come down so we can eat breakfast together. But what she said squinch my heart.

"I don't want to be a burden to you. So everyday I went to eat breakfast there and after my shift end I eat my dinner too" she said

I am so shock and felt a pang in my heart. She's very considerate and always try to put others first before her.

But I was able to convince her that's it's ok and I told her.

"Look at me! Beginning today you are going to eat in the house. And do not think about burden or whatsoever " I told her.

Thank God she's agreed and we went to the kitchen. While we eat I stared at her. I felt to lucky to have her although we are not so normal couple but I will do my best to make it up to her.

I was sweating so hard and my heart beating fast. But still wanted to this to her.

"Hmm.. umm.. willyouhavedinnerdatewithmetonight" I said to her. I was so nervous and I can't say the word right.

She look at me worried. Then she asked me.

"Are you ok?" She asked me. I know she notice how I am sweating so bad but right now I really don't care. So I asked her again.

"Will you go out with me tonight?" This time I said it right and slowly.

She look at me dumbfounded and her eyes looks confused.

"I guess you don't want to go out with me?" I say sadly.

"No! I am just shock! Sorry! It's ok.. let go out tonight!" She said.

I am so happy and I stand up then yell.


After we eat breakfast. She gather the plates but I told her just put it in the sink cause Mrs Davis will clean it.

Then she grab her bag and said.

"Mr Martin thank you for the breakfast. I will go now" then she turn to leave.

I stop her when she almost in the front door.

"I'll drive you to the hospital. Wait I will get dressed" I said

"No it's ok! I can go by myself Mr Martin!" Urg! That name again!

"No I want to take you please. Just give me ten minutes to prepare. Please??" I hold her hands tightly.


"Please please?" I said strongly this time.

"Ok!" Then I let go of her hands and run fastly to my room.

I slip into my suit, comb my hair and spray my favorite perfume. I run hurriedly back to her afraid she might leave me.

But I was shocked when I back. Instead of her waiting for me, it's Leslie . I look around but I can't find her.

"Baby... I miss you so much!" Leslie said while she clung her hands to my neck and try to kiss me.

"What are you doing here? Where's is Ysabella?" I told her.

"Your new maid? She left when she saw me! Baby come let's go to your room. I miss you bad" she said then try to grab my friend.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you not to go here?" I said angrily to her.

"Are you trying to be hard to get now baby?" She said not bothering what I said to her

I pushed her hard making her stumbled.

"Get off of me. I don't want to see here anymore. Understood?" Then I passed her and run outside. Hoping that Ysabella might still outside. But I was late!

I went to my car and drive to the office feeling miserable. Why did Leslie show up and had to ruin everything?

I arrived in my office but I am not in the mood to work. I want to bang my head to the wall. I missed up big time.

The door to my office open and reveal Xavier whose looking worried.

"Man! What will I do?" He asked

"What?" I snap chat to him. I am not really in the mood for his drama.

"I got Emma pregnant!" He said

My eyes went wide and I almost fell from my chair.

"You what?" I asked him.

"She's pregnant. Oh God! What will I do?" He asked while pacing back and forth in my office

"Are you going to take responsibility of it?" I asked him

"Of course!  But the problem is that women doesn't want me to?" He said. I look at him I feel sorry for him now. He look stress and frustrated.

"Then do something about it? I think you love her man!" I said to him

"I know! But she's too stubborn. I told her to quit work and I will finance her needs but she declined my offer. She even said that there is no need for me to take responsibility! What the fuck?? She said she will be fine on her own. Why does that women doesn't want my help? Am I not that loveable?".. I guess I am not alone in this situation huh?

Looks like we're both have trouble winning our girl. Who would ever thought  that the two most notorious Playboy will have a problem about a girl?

Funny but I guess.  We are being punished by our deeds.

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