Chapter 1

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"Janet hide in here and don't come out until I come for you myself , ok ?"-Scarlet.

"Ok ; I will wait here , "-Janet.

I quickly went to the living room to wait for the inevitable.

" Scarlet come here !"-My dad commanded.

I quickly went inside his room to prevent any further punishment.

"Where is your sister, Scarlet ?" - my dad asked me.

"I have not seen her, dad " - trembling from fear .

" Oh really " He said.

He slowly got up from his armchair and came closer and closer until my fear couldn't hide anymore. I was visibly trembling.

He cornered me and landed a strike on my cheeks.

The tears began flowing

"I really don't know dad , I r- really don't know ! " still sobbing from the strike .

I could smell the alcohol in his breath and knew it very well ,this was going to hurt.

" You don't know !" He started screaming .

Next thing I know blows from different directions being felt all over my body .

I coiled up on the floor so as to reduce the impact it will cause me later.

I screamed and screamed but he kept hitting and hitting and hitting me ,no compassion on his face as usual .

I was bleeding but he still kept on hitting me , I cried and tried to keep my screams in but the pain was just unbearable , I didn't want to scare my sister.

I kept silently screaming for hours hoping he would stop.

I soon got weaker and weaker and I allowed the darkness to swallow me up ; darkness my old friend .

I opened my eyes to see if he was still there and luckily he wasn't around so I slowly got up to reduce the pain caused by my movement.

I checked the time and it was 2:15am.

I crawled slowly to where Janet was and she helped me get to our room.

I cleaned myself up and read my baby sister a story so she could fall asleep early .

I used antiseptic on my wounds and laid on the bed for a while.

Well this is my life , My name is Scarlet Cruz and my little sister is Janet Cruz.

The man whom i used to think was my father is Sebastian Cruz.

This was his regular routine.

When my mom was around he would beat her so much to the extent she often ended up in the hospital .

Eventually , she left but left us behind with this psycho.

She freed herself and left us here to pay for the consequences.Ever since she left Annabelle ; my mom , I became his next target. This was a regular thing now but I still couldn't get used to it .

My mom used to keep us hidden anytime he came home and now it was my duty to protect my 7 year old sister.

She will never go through the same Pain that my mother and i go through .
Over my dead body will I let it happen.

For this reason we never go out , he goes out and brings all the groceries , clothes everything we might need.

It has been sixteen years living with this man and I have only gone outside once.i barely remember rainy days , feeling the sunny weather , touching the snow flakes, everything was shut down for us.

We both don't go to school since he doesn't want people to find out what he has been doing to us ,so usually I go online to learn and teach my sister when I have the time to spare.

I regret ever being born in this family, we live in a house locked in, like we are some kind of criminals, we stay in fear and always try to find shelter in the dark away from him.

I hate my mom for doing this , she could have taken us with her . I hate, hate , hate , hate her for living us in this house alone , unguided , unprotected, scared , terrified of our own father . She left us alone to live in this house ; a house of pain.

No one knows how terrible it is living in the house of pain.

I hope you like this book and give comments on what you thought about it .

Don't let anyone be the cause of your pain.

Began on the 22nd June , 2020.

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