Chapter 58

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Scarlet's / Shayari's POV

" Thank you so much for the sleep-over , your family is lovely . " - I hugged her .

" Don't worry , my mothers are amazing . "- she laughed walking by my side as we headed for my home .

" Yeah and thumps up to your father too , I mean women can be difficult . " - I reached out for my chocolate bar .

" Yeah , it took a while before they got along but Alhamdulilla ; they did . " - she cheered once I handed her a chocolate bar of her own .

" Alhamdulilla indeed , " - I smiled .


" Thanks for the company , I had a great time at your place , "- I hugged her .

" No problem and as I said before you don't need to worry about the tattoos . Just seek forgiveness and promise not to go back to it again . "- she advised . At least --- that would set my mind at ease --- I've been restless ever since I found out tattoos were Haram .

I bid her farewell and entered the house with an Assalamualaikum .

No one responded , blonde lady might have taken Phoebe along to work .

I walked ahead to my room and took a refreshing shower .

I walked out and dressed up to my taste then pinned my hijab .

Shayari , blonde lady chose a wonderful name .

I took my bag and headed to Beatrice's house which was twenty minutes away from ours .

I knocked on their door and patiently waited .

" Oh - it's you . Come on in . " - Mrs . Richards welcomed me . " Beatrice is in there with Maya in her room , I'll be serving you soon . " - she continued .

" No need , I can take them along with me , "- I requested taking the tray from her .

I slowly walked upstairs and knocked , later entering and gasping at the sight .

Not to be rude or anything but Madeline doesn't look good right now . Her eyes were all puffy and red , her hair a mess , her face gloomy and looking all sad as I glanced at her pajamas .

" Hi , " - I greeted as I hugged them .

" How are you two feeling , I mean today is the last day and the both of you are going to have your relationships taken to the next step . "- Beatrice exclaimed swiping her ice - cream from Madeline .

" H-how dare you ! " - Madeline swiped the ice-cream .
" If you haven't had your heart broken then you have no right to take back the ice cream I took from you . " - she continued taking another tissue .

" Erm - sorry about what happened Madeline . " - I wanted to ask if she was okay but looking at her I would have asked a stupid question worth insults .

" Sorry ? Sorry ... , I'm leaving to get more tissues and no body should touch my ice cream cup or I'm not going to be the only one who has something broken in this house , "- she threatened closing the door with a loud bang leaving us in an uncomfortable silence .

When I Finally Step Out . Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum