Chapter 18

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I went to stand in front of my dressing mirror as i styled my hair a little and brightened my lips with a teeny pinch of lip gloss .

I viewed my dress which was a pattern of floral rose print and with a satisfied look ; I stepped out of my room and started doing some breathing exercises but was gently interrupted by the clearing of someone's throat .

I opened one of my eyes to peek on the person and smiled as I was interrupted by Mark .

" Why are you always this beautiful ? "- Mark said with a smirk .

" What are you doing ! "- I asked with a seriously puzzled look .

" Why are making this so hard ! "- he remarked with a saddened look .

" What did I do "- I asked as I made him look into my eyes with his head raised .

" Iwastryingtohitonyou "- he mumbled .

" Why are you speaking , oh ah what's this word ? , Maya had said it before though "- I said to myself as I tried to look for the word .

" It's gibberish ! "- Kelvin said with a smirk as he passed by us with a few blankets in hand .

" Yes , thank you Kelvin ! "- I said as I turned back to Mark .

" Why are speaking gibberish ? "- I said with confidence now .

He clutched his stomach as he laughed hysterically .

" Why are you laughing ? "- I asked a little annoyed .

" It's just that you give innocence , a whole new perspective , "- he said after he had calmed himself down .

" That doesn't explain anything , "- I said really fed up . I immediately stomped downstairs as I nervously wished the stairs had more stairs .

I was about to open the the door when I felt myself completely frozen .

The truth is ; my dad told me terrible things about how the harshness of the sun has increased over the years but I had to do this ; I mean blonde lady and i walked through the sun so why was I afraid now and why am I believing his words .

Ugh Scarlet , move . Open the door ; I closed my eyes and gathered courage as I held the door knobs .

I was about to let go when strong hands were placed on mine ;" don't worry , it's going to be alright " .

" Are you sure ? "- I asked a little unsure .

" Trust me , "- he whispered huskily into my ears and I immediately felt butterflies were dancing in my stomach .
Wait , but I don't remember Miss. Summer serving us any butterflies as food so had I accidentally swallowed butterflies in my sleep ?

Well I better find a way to get them out .

" Scarlet you can do this , "- he whispered in my ear again as I was brought out of my thoughts ; ugh the butterflies again .

I nodded and allowed him to help me ; closed my eyes as he gently helped me push the door open .

He helped me climb down the stairs ; I felt warmth on my skin and I instantly knew I was outside but now the problem was that ; I was too scared to open my eyes .

I heard Mark chuckle so I nudged him with my elbow .

" Oww , why are your eyes closed ? "- he asked after he calmed down.

I heard a sigh from Mark as I gave no response .

" Ok what about this , just open your eyes and I will help protect you from the sun , "- he reassured me.

" Ok but first let me ask ; is my Skin peeling off or is it boiling or maybe am I emitting vapour or something ! "- I started rambling .

He placed his finger on my lips to shut me up ; I instantly calmed down and inhaled his soothing scent of vanilla .

" Open them ! "- he instructed . I exhaled more then finally opened them.

I looked around the backyard and gawked at it's beautiful decoration .

I glanced at Maya and saw a smirk on her face ;" what ? " - I mouthed but she instead replied with a wink .

She continued to set the table with Jared ; of course .
I looked around again as i saw Beatrice who was happily making origami and Kelvin who had crossed his legs eating grapes which had already beeen set on the table .

Then finally , I was met with the cold glare
from Kelsy and as I retraced her glare ; I
blinked twice in succession as I saw Mark's hand entwined with mine which was oddly comforting .

I stared at our entwined hands with a smile but was interrupted when

" So...As you can see , you are still the same ; no peeled skin or vapour "- he said with a slight chuckle .

" I thought you said you would protect me from the sun "- I argued .

" You are safe ; aren't you ? "- he remarked .

I wanted to smack him but I forgot our hands were still entwined .

" You are lucky "- I said but he just looked puzzled .

I gestured for him to look down and he quickly caught up as his cheeks suddenly turned red.

I moved closer to his face but he got startled and started looking into my eyes .

" You have beautiful eyes , "- he complimented.

" Thanks "- I said with a smile but I think you are sick or is it normal for boys to have red cheeks "- I asked but he started laughing .

" Why do you keep laughing at me ! "- I said as I freed my hand and stomped away to help Maya but decided against it since she would want to spend time with Jared .

I walked away from them too and went to sit with Beatrice .

" You could have told us you were scared of going outside instead of postponing our days out of the house "- she said with a smirk .

" Of course not , I - I just needed time to get used to all this ."- I lied .

" Hmmm "- was her only response .

" so what were you two doing all alone in the house "- she asked as she started wriggling her eyebrow.

" Why are you wriggling your eyebrow ; oh no don't tell me you are also sick . Ugh now I am going to have to be a good Samaritan and tell Miss. Summer about both of your predicaments . " - I said with a shrug .

She also started laughing .

" Why do you guys like laughing at me "- I asked as I folded my arms on my chest .

" Nothing , so are Jared and Maya suffering from any predicaments "- Beatrice asked with a little hint of amusement in her tone .

I looked at them " No , they just have this stuttering thing when they are talking to each other and I once peeked in one of Maya's books and saw this thing . She wrote
I wish the both of us would be love birds . Then she drew something like this ;❤️.
Around both their names so I call them lovebirds to make fun of her but I guess she doesn't mind ."- I explained .

" Did that book have Diary written on it ? " - Beatrice asked with concern .

" Yes , why ? "- I asked as I admired my nails .

" Oh no , you should never read that book again , it's very personal !"- she almost yelled .

" Well how was I supposed to know that a diary was something personal ? "- I said with a shrug .

She face palmed herself then shifted closer to me .

" Let me explain it better to you , "- she began .


Modesty is the prized possession of all women .

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