Chapter 43

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" Hahaha , " -

" I'm sure you were like , where did he shoot ... Where ? " - Luciano continued teasing .

I opened my eyes to see him still laughing .

" And look , your friend there has been trembling since the second shot "- he pointed to Beatrice who looked so uneasy .

" Beatrice ! What's wrong ? "- I turned to her .

She was sweating all over and as she had a frightened look on her face as she pointed to her throat .

" She's having an anxiety attack , obviously . "- Luciano remarked with a shrug .

" Calm down , Beatrice . "- Maya reassured and began to stroke her back but it was of no use . She was still suffering while Luciano sat back on his human chair .

" Can we help her at least , "- Mark asked Luciano with gritted teeth .

" I guess , "- he replied then began whistling .

" Look into my eyes , Beatrice . "- he calmly instructed while I stared at them in wonder . I hope Beatrice turns out fine . She turned to look into his eyes and began to calm down a little.

" I , whew , 2 , whew , 3 , whew , 4 , whew " he guided Beatrice until she relaxed .

" Tha- thank you , "- she breathed out and continued with her breathing exercises . A hint of red colour splashed her cheeks while still staring at Mark .

" Hmmm , maybe the red cheeks thing must be contagious ."- I mumbled to myself .

" Ok that's enough , people . I'm getting like seriously bored . " - he whined then separated us .

" You know what ? I remember the day you supposedly beat me up like it was yesterday . I feel like reminiscing about it . "- he said .

"I said I was sorry "- I mumbled with glares .

" Oh you'll be very sorry soon , "- his face darkened immediately once he stared at me .

" I was minding my own business when you came from no where and punched me . Hmm the first lady to lay her hands on me . "- he began with devious smirk .

" I already had an argument with my dad and was just walking it off you know , Yes Ssscarlet --- Mama's boy had daddy problems . "- he held my hand and twisted it .

" Arghhh ! "- I silently yelled out my pain .

" Sorry , "- he mumbled with a smile and let me go .

" I asked what was wrong with you but you told me to ask myself that * laughs evilly * , I got a tad bit angry and asked what was wrong with you again while I strangled you. You breathed out * leave me alone * . You kicked me in my sensitive area then pounced on me again . "- he turned to Mark this time .

" Then you came and if I remember correctly , your exact words were * calm down , Tigress * "- he finished then came to stand in front of me .

" You need a bigger punishment , "- he whispered slowly in my ears

" I want you , Ssscarlet to take this gun and shoot porcupine " - he said and forcefully made me stand on my feet . He continued to push me until I was now standing face to face with Mark .

" I want you to shoot him right in his very beating heart , "- he pointed to Mark with a victorious chuckle .

" I - I can't , "- I managed to say with my voice almost croaked .

" Yes you can ! "- I jumped a little by his scream . " Sorry , "- he mumbled .

" I'm not like my dad and you know it , "- I audibly whispered to him .

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