chapter 25

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I felt someone furiously shake me up .

" Ryan ? "- I whispered .

" Yeah , Thank the Almighty you are still alive ! " - he responded .

" I ... " - I was cut short .

" Don't worry , we are out of the house now but it's just that we were in a cabin in the middle of nowhere so it would be hard to find early help
"- he said as he picked up the pace .

" But where are we going to find help ? "- I whispered .

" That's - erm - funny thing , I kind of didn't think about that , "- he replied with a slight chuckle .

I relaxed in his arms as I started seeing black dots again .

" Don't close your eyes Scarlet , you need your sight - well to run away from this place at least . "- he said as he started breathing heavily .

He came to a sudden halt as he stopped to catch his breath .

" Scarlet , I'm afraid you have to continue from here "- he urged as he helped me stand .

" Wai... "- I said as I wobbled on the ground .

" Woahhh ! "- he reacted as he prevented me from falling .

" I need to get back inside before the madam figures things out ! "- he explained .

" But I can't , "- I responded as he helped me keep firm my holding my waist .

" Yes you can , you are the strongest girl I've ever met , you know "- he explained further as he urged me to start walking .

I smiled as I walked up to him and gave him a hug .

" Congratulations on joining my list , "- I joked .

" I'll miss you "- he said as he caressed my back .

" Me too , "- I said as he finally broke the hug .

" You should be going now , don't you think ! "- he replied with a raised eyebrow .

" Yeah , yeah "- I remarked as I found my stand and began limping .

I turned back to see him one last time but he was long gone .

* Sigh * better start moving .

I limped as fast as I could but I could still feel myself going slow .

Why aren't there any cars passing by , I mean is this really in the middle of nowhere .

I limped and limped and limped even further . I halted for a while as I caught my breath for a minute .

I was about to continue my walk when I was blinded by light ; wait headlights .

I went to stand in the middle of the road as I waved my hand for the car to stop .

" Please , please , wait , wait ,wait , help me ! "- I yelled as fortunately the car stopped .

Thank the Almighty .
I limped to the passenger door but was met with immediate regret . No ! .

I began running away ; why , why did I stop the car .

I continued limping but she was still catching up to me .

" You can run but you can't hide Scarlet , as I told you before ; I . Own . You . "- she said as I heard heavy footsteps behind me .

" Just leave me alone Enrique , how mean can you be ! "- I whispered and unfortunately met with the cold ,hard ground .

When I Finally Step Out . Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora