chapter 14

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" Fine , "- I mumbled .

She led me to the living room and again with the multiple eyes . Ugh , why do they keep looking at me as though I had killed someone ; technically I almost did but he is still alive so I'm innocent  .

I sat down next to Maya .

" So let's get the show on the road , let's begin with introductions  "- Maya babbled .

" I'm Maya Ronalds , 16 years and joined this family three years ago  "- she introduced .

" I'm Mark Daniels , 17 years and joined this family four years ago "- the curly haired blue eyed with dimples said .

" I'm Kelvin Cook , 16 years and joined this family two years ago "- the boy with slid back hair , green eyes and really blinding white teeth sitting beside Mark said .

" I'm Jared Anderson , 17 years and joined this family a year and half ago "- the dark skinned with brown eyes and hair sitting next to Kelvin said .

We turned to look at the couch with two girls on it .

" What ?"- she yelled .

Ooooooo this girl must be feisty ! .

" Why are you all pretending that this girl is normal , this * beep * is a freaking murderer and I for one won't ever befriend a freaky psychotic * beep * like her ! "- the blonde who looked like a clown did her makeup yelled .

Ouch , what she said would hurt me if I cared .

" Kelsy ! "- Maya tried to shut her up  but that clown wouldn't budge .

" Well I'm not going to pretend like how you fakers are right now !" - she said folding her hand on her chest .

They all looked at me sympathetically but I just shrugged .

" Well won't you say something , you murderer ?! "- she directed to me  .

Whatever . At least I know her name .

" So pretty girl what's your name "- I asked the girl sitting by Kelsy  but she kept quiet  as Kelsy turned to her with a glare.

" Oh sorry , you must be her minion ; anyway so Maya what's her name "- I asked .

" Beatrice "- she replied .

I nodded .

" Beatrice hmmmm , "

" ARE YOU IGNORING ME YOU PSYCHO ! "- - she really yelled this time .

" Well they say ,the best response for a fool is silence . So..."- I said with a shrug .

" Are you calling me a fool ?! "- she said as she got up from the couch followed by Beatrice  ; of course .

" Well , I think I don't remember mentioning a Kelsy in what I had said ; maybe you are delusional , you should go and rest "- I said  back .

I could see she was extremely angry because her chest was rising up and down at a really fast pace ; her heart could pop out any moment now .

She clown faced girl ; Kelsy then the over- used  girl ; Beatrice , Maya , Kelvin , Jared and Mark  . Perfect , I think I got it right "- I said as I pointed out their names .

" So since I now know your names , I will be in my room getting my beauty sleep . " - I said getting up .

I'm already tired as it is .

I was headed to the stairs when .

" Wait , please the others would want to get to know you more"- . She said .

" Ugh not this again "- I reluctantly got back  and sat back down on the same  couch . I'm so sorry body .

" Ok what do you want to know about me ? "- I asked .

" Anything "- Kelvin said ; I think he's the youngest among the boys .16 years .

" Ok ; I'm Scarlet Cruz ; 16 years and I joined this family today "- I said with a visibly fake smile .

They all started laughing . Oh I didn't know I had joined the circus ; clowns .

" So why was Kelsy calling me a murderer , "- I asked .

" Well , it was on the news . " - Jared said ; the dark skinned boy .

" News , What's news ? "- I asked  out of curiosity .

" You don't know the news !" - Mark asked with his voice showing his shock .

" You really don't know the news ? "- Maya asked with the same shocked expression .

" Will I be asking you guys if I knew ! "- I remarked in annoyance .

"  Ok , ok , ok  "- the boy with slid back hair said ; Kelvin.

He got up and turned on the television .

He changed a few channels and seemed satisfied with one as he sat back down .

There was a woman who was talking about stuff I guess .

" So who's the woman "- I asked .

" She's some sort of news reporter I guess ; she reports the news " - Mark replied .

I watched the television intently .
Hmmmm so she was talking about activities that had been happening around the world . Interesting .
Spring falls seems interesting ; a burgaler was hit in the head with bat by  the shop owner  , he called the police and after the police  arrived , they removed his mask but only to find out ; it was the shop owner's own son .

Who knew news could be interesting !

" So as you enjoy the news ; the three of us are going to bed ; I heard Mack say as they left for their various rooms .

" So my father was on television ? "- I asked Maya since she was the only one sitting beside me .

" Yeah , I'm sorry about what happened to you and your sister " - she said .

I guess they told the town everything .

" It's nothing since he's in jail now , " - I said as I switched off the television .

" You know , Kelsy will try to get you back for the insult right , " - she said .

" Don't you guys get tired of her ! "- I said .

" Well we do but we just have to tolerate her , you know since we a family now  ."- she said .

" Well that doesn't mean you should be taking the nonsense that comes out of the over coloured mouth of hers ; * sigh * but I am not going to deal with her now , all I need is Beatrice . She needs to learn how to stand up for her self "- I said with a mischievous smirk .

My first task in this house .

What's with the insults  , Scarlet . I just can't believe what you're becoming right now !

When I Finally Step Out . जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें