Chapter 46

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Wednesday .
Scarlet's POV .

" Wow , examinations are not things to be underestimated . "- I stated while we were on our way out after our third day of the examination week .

" Yeah we know , but let's leave that , my mom has asked us to visit Miss . Summer . " - Jared said while levelling his backpack on his shoulder .

" That's a great idea ! "- Mark encouraged .

We got into our various cars and drove to the elderly home Miss. Summer was in .

We arrived after a few minutes , asked the reception the information we will need and headed for her floor .

" Miss. Summer ! "- we whisper yelled and gave her a warm hug in the recreation room .

" Aww , how are you kids ! "- she excitedly asked .

" We are fine ! "- we chorused around her .

" I hope your new parents are good to you ? "- she asked with a smile.

" Yeah , they are awesome ! "- we said together and laughed by our unison answer .

" Even you Scarlet ? "- he asked with a raised brow .

" * Giggles * yes Miss. Summer ! Even me . "- I replied with a smile .

We managed to talk for a while and listened to all the crazy adventures she had had herself living here . We told her our stories while she laughed in shock .

" You kids should be very careful , "- she warned .

" Yes Miss . Summer ! "- we mumbled .

She held her head and hissed in pain .

" What's wrong ? " - Beatrice asked in concern .

" I've not been feeling well lately , but it's nothing too serious . "- she waved a hand .

" No , no , you should see a doctor . "- Maya urged .

" Fine , thank you . " - she replied .

" Assalamualaikum Summer , "- a woman who had covered her head with a veil greeted .

" Wala - wait - walaikum Salam right "- she replied in between laughs .

" Yes , you're right and who are these cute kids . "- she complimented with a smile .

" Oh , these are the kids I used to take care of back in the foster home . "- She replied .

" Nice to meet you then , bye ! "- she bid and went to sit by a man , I'm guessing her husband .

" That's her husband Saeed , "- Miss. Summer confirmed my guess while also staring at them .

" What's that thing on her head ? "- I asked with a puzzled look .

"That's her hijab . "- she replied .

" Why ? "- I continued.

" You can go and ask her if you want , I'm sure she would be happy to explain a few things to you . "- Miss. Summer urged . " You five as well , not all of the people here get visited by their relatives . Come on ! Get up and go mingle . "- she continued .

We each got up while I found my way towards the woman in the hijab .

" I guess we're going the same way right ? "- Mark said beside me .

" And who are you going to mingle with ? "- I asked with a raised brow .

" Mr. Saeed of course , the Islamic religion has fascinated me since I visited Saudi Arabia with my parents . "- He replied .

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