Chapter 59

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" Are you sure you're going to be okay ? " - Blonde lady asked .

" Of course , "- I responded .

" Are you sure you don't want to see him as well ? " - I asked back a little nervous now .

" I'm very sure I don't want to see him now , " - she replied .

She escorted me into the prison and guided me in .

I gulped as I took my seat in the visiting room .

I made dua and waited for him .

The door opened as a man brought him in leaving right after .

He raised an eyebrow as he recognized me .

" What's that on your head ? " - he asked immediately his behind touched the cold seat .

" * Clears throat * , it's my hijab . I'm a Muslim now . " - I replied looking at his arms .

" If it's the tattoos you are looking for , they are gone . "- he replied staring coldly at me . " what are you doing here ? " - he asked staring at anywhere that isn't my eyes now .

" I came to ... "- I smiled .

" It will never happen and I liked the old you better . "- he replied getting up and heading towards the door .

" I met Phoebe ! " - I yelled making him turn to face me .

" I met her mother as well , in fact I live with them . " - I smiled .

" How's she ? " - he asked smiling breaking my heart into pieces .

" S - she's fine , I have a beautiful sister . " - I replied .

" Don't call yourself that , she's in no way related to someone like you . She's my daughter . "- she got up his seat and stared into my eyes .

" Aren't I your daughter , wasn't Janet your daughter ? " - I asked as tears slipped down my cheeks .

" Never in a million years . You said you have met Angelina right so you must know how she is a 100 percent worthier than your so called mother . "- he continued making me turn to wipe my tears .

" How are you doing ? " - my voice coming out broken .

" Is that supposed to be a question ? I should have killed you along with your sister if I knew I would go to prison ."- I got off my seat but he walked towards me and began strangling me .

" D-dad , " - I breathed out .

" That's the dirty word I don't want to hear , I'm not your father , I'm not your father and I will never be . "

I tried to remove his hands from my neck but he continued . The guards barged him and struggled but he held firm and continued to strangle .

One took a taser and took a shot before he left me alone .

" D-dad , " - I sobbed seeing black dots as I couldn't even breathe . I can't believe he would ...I began feeling woozy as I began to lose consciousness .

I saw a blurry image of blonde lady by me as I fell into deep darkness ; darkness my old friend .

Angelina Lee's POV .

" Shayari ! I screamed her name . How could you ! I hate you ! " I hit his chest as I made the guards get him inside .

I took Shayari to the hospital as I sobbed beside her . They took over as I waited for news outside .

I should have reacted earlier , thank goodness for the CCTV we were watching .

" Miss . Lee ! How's she ? " - Shayari's friends gathered around me .

" She's still in there , "- I breathed out .

" Mommy , is Shayari okay ? "- Phoebe asked beside Malik .

" Of course , she is . "- I hugged her .

" But I thought she was visiting her father today ? "- Jared asked .

" Yes , yes but he tried to strangle her to death . "- I wiped my tears away .

" Why would he do that ? "- I heard Beatrice mumble .

" ERM - Beatrice , Maya , please take care of Phoebe . I have something to do and inform me of any progress . "- I instructed . " Mommy will be back soon okay , " - I kissed Phoebe's forehead and rushed to my car .

I got into the prison and rushed in the visiting room to wait for him .

The guard brought him back in later leaving us alone .

" Angelina , " - he sang my name like how he used to which made me giddy on the inside a little . No !

" How dare you ! How could you , after everything you did to her --- y - you try to kill her . "-

" Don't you also get that I was doing this for you , for us . They needed to get out of the way . "- he replied holding my hands .

" Don't touch me ! " - I took back my hand .

" Don't do this Angelina , "- he came closer to me .

I moved to knock the door which made the guards come in .

" Be seated Sebastian , " - one of them ordered him . He took his seat with a smile . " Come on , "- he sang .

" I can't believe I married someone like you , you disgust me even more now .
I can't believe you , the daughter you made her life miserable , the daughter who became so rude because of your negative impact , the daughter who was so happy to tell you she had become a Muslim , the daughter who has insisted to carry your filthy last name , the daughter who just wanted your love , the daughter whom you killed her mom and seven year old sister . Come on Sebastian , a seven year old ? she was willing to give you another chance , she was willing to forgive you so you could start afresh . * Pauses to catch her breath and wipe her tears away * today , you tried to kill her . Let me tell you this , Shayari is an amazing person . She changed her first name but I just don't get why she kept yours . Why ? "

" I told you already , she's not my daughter . "- he replied staring at me emotionlessly .

" Ok ... Fine but hear this , Phoebe is going to be no where near you ever again in fact none of my daughters are ever coming to see you ever again . Sebastian Cruz you have hereby lost the right to call yourself a father . I hate you Sebastian and I hope you ... "

" Don't do this Angelina , Shayari or whoever she is can stop coming here but none of you should try such , "- he warned getting up but the guards rushed and seated him down .

" If you can't accept Shayari then Phoebe and I won't accept you . Let's see how Phoebe sees you after I tell her what you've done to her favorite sister . "- I smiled internally when I saw the fear in his eyes .

" Don't you dare ! "- he angrily stood but calmed down after he was tasered .
" Don't you keep my daughter , " - he glared at me .

I got so angry with my fist clenching and unclenching. " Mark my words Sebastian Cruz , she will know your true colors . To think Shayari was about to tell you she was getting married a month after her eighteenth birthday ." - I barged out right after .


Assalamualaikum ,
That ... Was something .

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