Chapter 38

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" Arggghhh ! "- I screamed which soon became muffled as Mark covered my mouth.

" What's wrong with you ! "- he whisper yelled with my eyes widening as I was stared at his shirtless chest .

" Hdjsjshdhndjj"- I wanted to say something but he seemed to have forgotten he was Still covering my mouth .

" Promise me you'll not scream when I release your mouth , "-

I nodded making him slowly let me go .

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE AND WHEN... ,"-  I was cut short again by Mark's hand .

" Scarlet , I thought you promised me , "- he said in frausturation as his other hand ran through his hair .

" Imsmsksikn"- I tried to say sorry .

" Ok , promise me  you are not going to scream again , "-

I nodded as he slowly let go of my mouth .

" What are we doing in this thing and why are you here with me ? "- I rambled immediately he let go .

" We arrived late and Kelvin used my tent so I had to share with you ,"- he explained and laid back down .

" So is that why you chose to be naked in here ? "- I glared furiously at him .

" Hold on kitten , for your information . I'm not naked and as you can see , I'm in sweatpants . " - he gestured to what he was wearing .

" Fine ! But why didn't you sleep with one of the boys , "- I asked as I threw a pillow at him .

" Because it would have been awkward , "- he replied throwing the pillow back at me .

" So you decided to suffocate me with your body right ? "- I reached for the front and tried to open this thing.

" I was having trouble sleeping and you just looked so fluffy like the kitten you were , "- he  chuckled .

" You need help , ugh how do we get out of this thing . "- I asked in anger when all my attempts to open this thing failed .

" Just pull down the zip up there "- I smiled in victory and immediately got out of the tent thing .

" Woah ! , So many trees but it's still dark and the smell * sniffs air * ; like pinecones , muddy sand and fresh leaves . So refreshing . I wonder what time it is , "- I mumbled to myself as I looked around .

There were a few tents surrounding the one I just got out from . The others might be asleep in those .

My eyes almost popped out when someone suddenly covered my mouth and started to pull me away by waist .

" It's me Scarlet , "- I heard Mark's familiar voice . How does he smell this good  and now I want to eat vanilla ice cream .

He pulled me back into the tent and zipped it closed .

" Why would you drag me in like that ! "- I remarked immediately he let go .

" We don't want you waking up the rest , do we ? "- forcefully laying me down .

" Don't come close to me Mark , take that side of the tent and keep your body to yourself , "-  With a smile as I distanced us .

" Well it's my body so I choose to share it , so came here so we can share ,"- He replied already shifting to my side .

" How did the others not see the both of us getting in here , "- I said  playfully hitting his chest so he could go back .

"We didn't set in early so by the time we arrived , they were already asleep , " - he  shrugged .

When I Finally Step Out . Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu