Chapter 55

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Three weeks later .

Mark's / Malik's POV .

The rest of us were in Scarlet's room waiting for her new entry .

" Come on Scarlet ! " - Maya yelled as we all anxiously waited for her arrival .

" How long do you want us to wait , " - Kelvin whined .

" Hold on , I want to get it right . "- she answered behind the door .

" Ok , "- I replied on our behalf .

We saw the doorknob being turned and began cheering immediately .

She fully opened the door with a joyful smile on her face .

I gawked at her new found beauty , the long decorative baby blue dress with her white hijab hiding away her hair .

I glanced down not wanting to stare for too long but that couldn't stop my brain from replaying the same image over and over again .

" Doesn't she look amazing , " - Beatrice nudged my shoulder . I nodded happily glancing at her one last time but she was already staring at me --- glancing down with a smile after a few seconds .

" Let's all happily welcome the new and aiming for Jannah ( paradise ) , Shayari Cruz ! " - I introduced .

" Thanks * smiles * and let's also welcome , the new and aiming to please Allah ( S. W. T ) , Malik ! "- she also introduced with a smile .

Our friends cheered for us hugging us sharing in on our joy .

" Congratulations , Malik . " - Jared yelled as we hand-shook , fist bumped and imitated an explosion .

" Thanks , " - I responded .

I was caught off guard when someone tightly hugged me from behind .

" Aughh ! You're breaking my bones , Kelvin . " - I exclaimed trying to get him off me .

" Really ? "- he asked excitedly , he's going to be crushed when I tell him the truth but what can I do .

" Not at all , get off me . " - i remarked with a smile making him get off .

" And here I thought my training was paying off , " - he remarked with a saddened face .

" But ... I could still feel pain though , for sixteen sure are strong . "- I complimented trying to make him feel better.

He believed throwing a fist-bump into the air .

" She looks amazing , right ? " - Jared placed his hand on my shoulder smiling up at me .

" Yeah ... " - I walked away from them and made my way downstairs .

I walked towards Miss. Lee and greeted .

" Hi Miss . Lee , " - I greeted while she responded already handing me a snack .

" Hello dear , how are you ? " -

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