-+*Chapter Three*+-

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Daichi's POV

"Dad? I have a question." I look over at my daughter as she trots her way into the chair next to me.

"What is that?" I ask, giving my attention to her.

"Why doesn't Mr. Sugawara want to be your friend?"

"What do you mean, sweetie?" She shrugs her shoulders, "he doesn't really seem to be one who wants to be friends with you. I don't know."

"Well, that's because your teacher and I used to be best friends in high school?"

"What happened?" Curiosity in her eyes glimmered, just like her mothers.

"Well, I moved far away and we stopped being friends." She tilts her head, "is that all?" I nod my head.

"Do you think Comet will leave me someday?" Comet was her imaginary friend. She described that they would get mad if they got called a girl or a boy and asked to only be called by they/them. I'm happy she's getting this lesson from something in her head.

I shake my head as I pick her up, "they're never going to leave you!" She giggles as she tries to get out of my grip.

"We have to go!" I let go of her and grab the car keys, swinging them around my finger.




I walk into the classroom and as soon as we walk in, Mabel runs up to fellow classmates,playing with lettered boxes.

"Good morning Sawmura's." Suga greets, handing me the sign in book to sign in. I grab it, "good morning, Sugawara." He shakes his head, giving a light smile, still not looking up from the paperwork in front of him.

He snaps his fingers, getting me out of my staring, "Probably a good idea to actually sign in your daughter, Daichi. I don't want another child to have a temper tantrum ."

"You're probably right. But I'm pretty sure Mabel will be okay."

"I mean, for half the day, she does sit in the corner and talks to someone by the the name "Comet". Any clues?" I sign Mabel in quickly and give the binder back to him, "her imaginary friend." He nods in realization.

"Well, Daichi. I have a schedule to uphold, so if you will kindly leave, that would be great." A teasing smile crosses his face.

"I'm only listening because I too have a workplace." I walk backwards and he chuckles. I smile as I walk out of the classroom.




Ring ring ring

I answer the phone quickly and have it squished between my shoulder and my ear as I walk out of my office quickly, receiving a few questions from employees.

"Hello?" I answer rather harshly, thinking it was another brand trying to buy us out.

"Hey, It's Sugawara." My expression and tone quickly change.

"Yeah, I know your probably really busy but it's about Mabel. After lunch, she was telling me her stomach hurt, but she got sick a couple minutes ago. Do you think you can- I-I know you're probably really busy but do you think you can come pick her up?" I walk out of the office quickly, "I mean, she is my daughter. I have no choice."




Sugawara's POV

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