-+*Chapter Four*+-

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Daichi's POV

Suga pulls away quickly, his face was beet red, "I-I..u-uhm...I-I really n-need to go...bye." He ran out as soon as he came. Dammit. What is wrong with you?

"Mabel!" I shout, "yeah?" She shouts, "you're not going to school tomorrow."

"Alright!" I sigh as I hear his car pull out.

It's not like we were in love. It was what a fourteen year old boy thought was love. It's nothing.

What is that even supposed to mean? It's not like we were in love? He probably has a...ugh.

I'm so stupid. I was stupid then, and I'm stupid now.

Dammit dammit dammit

Sugawara's POV

I race outside, almost tripping over the one step on the porch. I get into the car and pull out.

I needed to get out of that situation. It took me back to 9th grade, and if you ask me, I don't really want to go back to high school.




"So he kissed you!" She shouts, even when she's hungover she's loud.

"Yes...he did."


"And what?" She takes a sip of water and looks at me, "did you kiss back? Did it feel like how it was? Or something?"

"No, no, and no..."

"So he kissed you, obviously showing you his apology, and you didn't kiss back nor enjoyed it?" I stay silent, playing with my fingers, "n-no.."

"You're giving me mixed signals...so we're just going to do this the easy way. Did you or did you not enjoy the kiss?" I stay silent, my mouth suddenly becoming dry.

"I-I don't know..."

"What do you mean! It's a simple question!" She tosses a pillow at me. I catch it before it hits me and laugh, "I don't know if enjoyed it. It made me happy...but I don't know. He has a daughter...and I'm her teacher. It felt wrong..."

"No, but imagine having s-"

"Stop. No. We are not talking about that."

"Yeah, imagine boning a-" I cover my ears and start to sing, "stop, stop, stop! Please, stop!" She laughs.

"You know, Suga, I missed you talking about this dumbass all the time."

"Why is that?"

"Because you'd actually talk from your heart. You wouldn't ramble."

"I ramble all the time, Mun. That's my worst habit."

"I know, but you'd do it less when talking about him. You'd actually smile and not talk all depressing when you talked about him. I'm convinced you were in love with him."

"Well, when I was fourteen, the only people that practically loved me were you and him...nobody else. So I think I was too...but you know, the thing he did really messed me up. I don't think I can do that again."

"Oh comes on! Go back to your guys old houses!"

"Why? It would be awkward."

"That's the whole point! Awkwardness is what brings you together."

"And being awkward gives me anxiety, so we're not doing that." I say, getting up.

"Oh, come on! Please?"

"You tell me I give you mixed signals? At one point you hate Daichi and at another you want me to be with him, which is which?"

"Well, obviously want to see you happy but..if not being with him makes you happy than fine."

"I don't know what makes me happy anymore! The kiss made me really happy but life for the past ten years are-" these last ten years have been lonely. I just come home to Munnsun and watch old movies with her. It's lonely.

"....fine. I won't go to the houses but I'll invite him to go to the park."

"They built a playground there! Mabel can go there too! It's only 6:30! Come on! Call him!" She grabs my phone and opens the phone case to see the note, "god, see? He already is interested in you-"

"He's not, Mun."

"Ugh...he kissed you! What are you talking about!" She dials the phone number.

"Heyyy Daichi. Uhm so I was wondering, or I'm telling you actually, you're taking Mabel to the park right now."

"She's- ugh..." she's still sick.

"Ugh! Fine. I'm forcing Suga to see you at that one park. Yeah, that park." I mentally face palm, regretting my decision.

Munnsun's POV

I finally convinced him to go. Both of them. So when we got there, I instantly run onto the playground and sit on top of the monkey bars. I was watching Suga intently, watching their every move.

"Hey, lady? Do you just watch Mr. Sugawara and my dad usually?" I look at the small girl next to me, "yeah, me and Mr. Sugawara are sort of best friends."

"Oh! I have one to! Their name is Comet. Some people say they're not real though..."

"They're?" She nods, "they don't really like being called a girl or a boy." I nod in an understanding way, "I believe they're real."

"Me too..." we sit in silence as I watch the other two again. Suga turned red all of a sudden as Daichi laughs.

"Hey, lady? Does my dad have a crush on Mr. Sugawara?" I look at her and she was also watching the two, "ever since mommy left, Dad always works...I see Mr. Sugawara all the time...and Dad looks happy with him..."

"Your a smart kid."

"I get told that a lot." I look over at her again, "yeah. Your dad likes Mr. Sugawara. And Mr. Sugawara likes your dad as well."

"Lady? What's your name?"

"Munnsun Sakura."

"Mabel Sawamura."

"American mom?" She nods, "yep. She was only here for a little while..." I sigh as I shut my eyes, "hey! Hey! Look! Look!" She shakes me, practically almost pushing me off the monkey bars, I look up and see Suga kissing Daichi. My eyes widen, "get a room!" I shout, laughing as they both pull apart and snap their attention to me, "there's still a child here! And I don't plan on babysitting!" Mabel waves, laughing.

"You're fun, Sakura. Do you want to be my friend?" I smile, "sure."

"Yay!! DAD I GOT A NEW FRIEND!" I laugh gently.

Nothing bad ever happen to this girl. Ever.

———end of chapter———

Shorter chapter but that a-oki. Sooooo yeah.

Song- (usually songs I'm listening to right now) Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin

Words- 1060

Finished- October 24, 2020





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