-+*Chapter Nine*+-

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(I write musical scripts / musicals of my own so the phone call(s) will be written like a play script)(just so you know)

Tw: Depression

Daichi's POV

I walk into the daycare classroom, expecting to see Suga's warm smile, instead to be with a different person. A female. I give a small smile and wave at the person as I fill out the sign-in binder, Mabel already running off to the kids in the corner playing with clay.

As I walk out, my phone starts to buzz, Munnsun?

D- Hello?

M- Do you have time?

D- For..?

M- I think you already dropped off Mabel, right?

D- you would be correct.

M- Did you notice Suga isn't there?

D- (sighing) I have.

M- I'll explain everything later, but he's in something I like to call, "Dark Suga."

D- Dark Suga?

M- (getting a little irritated) If something makes him upset or angry to a point, he breaks, and after he breaks, his brain decides it'd be a great day to be depressed. It usually lasts a couple days to a month. And-

D- (interrupting) and you want to see if him seeing me will make it better?

M- Yeah, exactly. He's still asleep.

D- I have an early meeting but does lunch sound okay?

M- (Irritated) Fine.

D- alright then.


I stand at the door after I knock, to immediately get answered by Munnsun, "oh, thank god! Could you move any slower?"

"Well, when you're a manager of a place, you tend to get questions."

She waves her hand and she points at me,"Okay, whatever. We need ground rules, no saying anything hurtful, no past discussions, no touching, and definitely no bringing up his mother or Tokyo." I nod my head, "alright...?"

She leads me up the stairs and right in front of his door. I breathe in and out, reminding myself of the rules before knocking. There was no answer so I cracked the door open, his eyes immediately opened, "May I come in?" He shuts his eyes again and nods. He didn't look that well. Not sick "not well" but just not...well. His room was dark, due to the curtains being shut. His hair was a mess, he looked tired, and he overall just didn't look like he was healthy.

I felt a strange sense of nostalgia looking at him like this. I witnessed "dark Suga" far before Munnsun knew it was the thing. I knew what to do but Munnsun said..."no past."

When he'd get like this, we'd watch his favorite movie and listen to our song until we fell asleep, the next day he'd be okay again. But him and I are older...we can't do that like we used to.

I sit on the foot of his bed and we sit in silence, it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable, it was just silence. Only hearing the occasional cars go by.

"If I'm being completely honest I don't know what to do..." Suga moves and place his head onto my lap and wrap his arms around my waist. I pet his head and remember this feeling. The feeling this position made me.

It made me go back in time to the first week I met him. When he was sobbing in the volleyball club room.

His hair was still soft. I combed my fingers through his hair, being careful for a few small knots, "I'm a mess..." his voice was quiet, almost inaudible. It sounded hurt almost but it wasn't. He sounded as if he couldn't speak at all.

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