He's Proud of Me - Part One

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Suga's POV

"Are you ready?" I shut the door, leaving Munnsun to deal with the begging Mabel, begging to go with us.

"Let's go before she races out of Mun's grip." I take Daichi's wrist and lead us to the car. He opens the door for me, I give him a small smile, "thanks!"

Daichi and I have been together for 2 years now, 3 1/2 if you count years ago. He's been acting off lately, which is a little unsettling. I trust him though...he wouldn't do that again. Once I go,d him about my anxieties, he convinced me to go on this date, saying he had a surprise. He's always filled with surprises.

"So where are we going?" He glances over at me and smirks, "you'll see!"

"I hate surprises, Daichi. Just tell me." He shakes his head, "I can either tell you where we're going or what I'm going to do." I thought about it and sigh, looking out the window, "what are you going to do?"

"Propose to you." He says clear as day, I scoff and giggle, "tell me the truth."

"I am." I shake my head, "good one. Now where are we going?"

"You already chose one, now you'll have to wait." My chest is beating a million beats per second. He couldn't actually be- right? I'm going insane.

I knew how to mask my emotions and expressions better throughout the years,so although I may look like it isn't exciting to think about but...he could be lying, right? He's gotten better at hiding lies too.

He grips my hand and smirks, "don't stress yourself, Sugar. I promise it's not bad." I smile lightly and look back out the window, "I know. It's just scary to think about..."

"Think about what?" I glance over and shake my head, "n-nothing...watch the road, please..." his grip never left my hand and it gave me that same sense of comfort that I've felt for years now. He pulls over after awhile and I look at him, "Daichi? Where are we?" He smiles and opens stop the car, "you'll see." I get out of the car and follow him, without bringing a jacket. I wrap my arms around myself, trying to keep the warmth in.

"Daichi?" He stops and turns around, a grin going onto his face, "you forgot your jacket, Sugar."

"Yeah, you know, usually when your boyfriend pulls over, and just leaves, scaring you with a surprise, you tend to be more worried for things other than a coat." He walks to me and takes off his jacket, luckily he had one underneath. I take it and toss it around myself, of course, having it be a little larger than myself.

"I'm sorry, but come on." I look around, "where exactly are we going?" He grabs my hand, "just another couple blocks okay?" I nod my head, "okay." He kisses me and leads me to the destination. It was only a couple minutes away from his old house, near Karasuno.


"Kōushi..." he sighs, I turn red and cover my face, he only ever calls me by my first name when he's...dammit. I shake my head, "Uncover your face silly, or you can't see." He tries to put my hands down but they didn't move.

"Sugawara." This causes me to giggle, I uncover my face, but only my eyes.

"Y-You weren't lying were you...?" He shakes his head, taking out a small box. I shut my eyes and smile, "y-you're going to make me cry so you can't say this is a joke."

"It's not a joke, Sugar. I swear. This is where you first ran into me on your way to school." God..I was so nervous for that day.

"Uhm...that's the whole purpose we're here today. Also! I got Munnsun's permission with...some rules but that's okay. So...Sugawara Kōushi, Sugar, the literal reason I'm alive, will you marry me?" I cover my face again, feeling myself starting to cry. I'm filled with happiness. I kneel down and I hear his boots shuffle their way towards me. I could practically feel him come close to me. I quickly wrap my arms around him, frantically nodding. He holds me close, petting my head, "I love you, Sugar. I promise...Mabel's already calling you dad!" I chuckle lightly. I couldn't speak. As much as I tried, I just couldn't. So I just nod, letting out the smallest, happiest cry.

"I...I know I've hurt you before but I swear-" I stop him from kissing him, the tears still streaming down my face, "I love you..." I whisper, "you've hurt me, yes. B-But we were young and dumb...a-and since then you haven't at all. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes...." I sigh and he kisses me again, this time more truthful.

* * *

Daichi's POV

The door opens and my daughter walks in, crying. I was about to get up but Suga already beat me to it, he was already at the desk doing work anyway.

I only open my eyes slightly, "hey, hey, hey, what's going on?"

"A-Another nightmare..." Mabel cries, rubbing her eyes, "want to talk about it?" She shakes her head, "w-when are you going to sleep..?"

"Soon, do you want to sleep here tonight?" She nods her head and crawls her way into the middle of the bed. She wraps her small arms around my larger torso. She stopped crying...

* * *

I open my eyes and Mabel was gone, but Suga was still asleep. It'd make sense, he stayed up far later last night than usual.

I slowly move closer and wrap my arms around him, he slowly stirs awake, "well, good morning."

"Mhm...morning..." he shut his eyes again and moved closer to me, "10 more minutes...." I chuckle, "that's only if the two children in this house let you."

"Mun is still here...??" He groans, "yes, she is." He sighs, "I'll watch your kid if you watch mine...please?" We both chuckle and he opens his eyes again, looking up at me. He rubs his eyes and I just look at his left hand, holding in a smile.

"How do you wear a ring in your sleep?" I chuckle, grabbing his hand, "did I get you the wrong size?" He shakes his head and shuts his eyes again, "no, just something I have to get used to. I wasn't the one who-" we then hear a loud crash coming up the stairs. Suspecting it was Mabel, we both get out of bed in a hurry.

We race out and find it's only Munnsun, Suga sighs and helps her up, "finally! You guys are up!"

"Dad! Dad! Dad! Do you want to have breakfast?"

"Wait- Munnsun your horrible at making breakfast- please, don't tell me you let Mabel cook..." Munnsun acts offended and laughs, "no, I did make breakfast."

"Is it edible?"

"Remember, we both agreed that you were the breakfast person and I was the dinner person, remember?"

"Actually, I disagree to-"

"Shut up dip- huh?" She tilts her head and chuckles, lifting up Suga's hand as well, "you didn't wuss out!?"

"Was I supposed to?"

"No! I just didn't think you would it! Now it's a celebration breakfast!" Munnsun raises her hands in the air, pulling Suga down the stairs by the wrist.

"You still haven't answered my-" he looks back to me, 'help me.' He mouths before getting pulled around the corner to the kitchen. I walk down and see Suga begging not to eat her food.

I'll have to get used to this...don't I?

———end of chapter———

These next few chapters are requested by @amelie_eaglewood.

So enjoy the next couples chapters of our fluff and uwu's.

Song- Forest Hymn - Averno - Auggie Greenwood.

Words- 1310

Finished- November 16, 2020 at 10:50 am





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