Q/A part 2!

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Hello again readers! Here's more questions and answers!

Q- Do you go to school?

A- yep! I'm in high school! I just tend to get off track and write instead of paying attention-

Q- Did Suga and Daichi ever adopt another child?

A- I never thought about it. I guess? They have Mabel, right? I guess they can.

Q- Do you ship anyone else?

A- YES I DO! Bokuaka,Asanoya,Oisuga (I can explain), Daisuga, Oizumi,etc.

Q- What's your favorite anime?

A- given, Fruits Basket, and I Want To Eat Your Pancreas.

Q- where do you find all the characters info?

A- Anime Wiki Fandom!

Q- Does Mabel have a story?

A- Yes. She does. There is a whole separate story to it : )

Q- Favorite character of Haikyuu?

A- Yams, Sugawara, and Akaashi.


Most of these were about me but we're going to just go with it fnfnfn

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