Chapter 3

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Bonnie had to almost jog to keep up with the twins who had were power walking along with their heads together going over the plan to prank Filch.
"Can you two please wait up? My legs are nowhere near as long as yours!" Bonnie complained.
Fred turned around with a finger to his lips and beckoning her to hurry up with his other.

Bonnie rolled her eyes and quickened her pace, their footsteps echoing around them in the corridor.
They were almost at Filch's office when Fred and George stopped suddenly.

"He's still in his office!" George whispered to them with surprise.
He was consulting a large, folded piece of parchment that Bonnie knew was the Marauders Map. She remembered this from when the twins used it to find her and prank her in the library in 4th year, much to the utter outrage of the librarian, Madam Pince.

"He's probably expecting you! You're not too slick you know, you prank him first night back every single year" Bonnie whispered, suppressing a smile.
"That's why you're here Bon-Bon" said Fred turning to her.
Bonnie scowled at him, she hated that nickname.

"Ok Fred, and what exactly do you want me to do about it? Go in there and tell him to chop chop because it's his bed time?!" Bonnie said incredulously.
George smiled at her and patted her shoulder.
"Now now love, it's perfectly simple. All we need you to do is set this off down the corridor a bit" he said as he pressed a handful of round, red objects into her hand, brushing her fingers with his. She felt a warmth creep into her cheeks at his touch. She stiffened slightly, willing whatever that feeling is to go away.
Bonnie looked down at the red things.
"What is this..." unsure if she even wanted the answer.

"Thor's Thunder Cracker!" George said proudly, puffing his chest out slightly. "We invented them over summer break. Just throw them at the ground and they will go bang!"

"Ok... and when Filch comes hobbling at me?!"

"You run!" Said Fred as if she was thick.

"And what are you guys going to be doing while I distract him?"

"That's for us to know and you to find out. It'll be brilliant though!"

Bonnie couldn't help but smile.
A few moments later, she walked quietly down the corridor, past the door to Filch's office, to begin the distraction. She muttered to herself "All this so they give me one measly little word. If I get detention I'll kill them."

Once positioned, she looked toward the other end of the corridor and saw Fred wave his hands as a signal to set off the crackers. True to their word - they did indeed go bang! Bonnie felt the floor under her shake and the noise was louder than she expecting, making her jump.
After a few seconds of shock and ringing ears, she remembered what she was doing and ran to hide behind a suit of armour just as Filch came tumbling out of his office with a wooden bat, doing a funny little run towards where the sound came from.

Bonnie stood very still trying not to laugh, watching Filch sprint past where she was hiding and continue on down the corridor. He was cursing and muttering under his breath something about "The cursed Weasley twins" and "Hanging by their thumbs."
Just then she saw the heels of the twins disappear into Filch's office. Less than a minute later they ran back out and motioned for Bonnie to quickly follow them.
As she ran passed the old man's office she saw black smoke billowing out from under the wooden door.

They didn't stop running until they got to the seventh floor, where they stopped to catch their breath. The twins were shaking with silent laughter, still trying to keep it down in case a teacher was roaming the halls looking for misbehaving students - such as themselves.
Bonnie couldn't help but laugh herself when pictured Filch's unpleasant face knotted in anger and confusion at the state of his smoking office.

"What even was that!?" Bonnie whispered to the laughing twins.

"One of our new inventions. You set it off and everything the smoke touches, gets covered in black dust. Impossibly tricky to clean. He will be scrubbing for weeks!" George said with tears in his eyes from laughter.

"Quick let's get inside!" Bonnie whispered to them between deep breaths.

"Dilligrout" George said to the Fat Lady, who only shook her head in disapproval as the portrait swung open. The twins, still laughing, went in first as Bonnie looked around to make sure nobody saw them. Fred, then George and Bonnie followed quickly.
In her hurry she stumbled over the ledge and before she could grab anything to steady herself, she tumbled to the ground taking George down with her, both falling into the common room face first.

Bonnies face collided with George's back.
They both groaned in pain as Bonnie rolled onto her back, side by side with George. She felt her nose erupt in agony.
Fred had turned around at the clamour, looking down at them bemused and said "Georgie, I quite think Bonnie might falling for you" he joked, laughing.

Bonnie couldn't stop herself from blushing through the pain.

Bonnie: Written In The  Stars - George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now