Chapter 15

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Fred led George nonchalantly over to where the girls were sitting. He again perched himself on the corner of the armchair Angelina was sitting in, forcing George to sit on the floor.
He tucked his long legs under him as he sat on the floor, leaning up against the side of Bonnie's armchair. He shot an uncertain smile up at her.

Bonnie smiled back, feeling bad that he wasn't sure about her.

"How are you ladies after last night?" He asked, trying to sound airy.

All three of the others shot glances at Bonnie before trying to change the topic.
This slightly confused George but he rolled with it anyway.
They were soon chatting about upcoming quidditch try outs and certain annoying teachers. Bonnie started to relax and laugh with the others.

The portal swung open and Harry, Ron and Seamus walked in looking red and windswept, robes disheveled. They'd been outside playing a casual game of quidditch against some Ravenclaws.
They shouted some hellos and a wave as they crossed the common room, evidently keen to get upstairs to shower.

Before disappearing up the stairs Seamus yelled with a wink "Hey George, how's Katie!?"

Even from only seeing the top of his head, Bonnie could tell George was blushing madly as he started fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "Piss off Seamus, you stink!" he said back, pegging his nose jokingly.

Bonnie looked at her hands in her lap and tried to keep her face expressionless, as last nights events came flooding back. She felt eyes on her but didn't look up.

"I wish everyone would let that go, it was just part of the game!" He laughed shyly.

"Um Georgie" Fred raised an eyebrow at him. "Were you really that drunk, or did you forget the snogging that happened AFTER the game as well?"

Bonnie saw George stiffen.
"Huh? Me? With who?"

Fred glanced at her, George saw this and took as saying it was Bonnie he had kissed after the game of truth or dare.

"You're joking! I snogged you Bonnie? I don't remember that at all" he laughed, a little too loudly. "That's crazy. I wonder why we did that. Weird!" He kept talking, stumbling over his words. He felt awkward.

"Oh George shut it! It wasn't Bonnie!" Hermione snapped, interrupting his word vomit.

George looked taken aback and avoided Bonnie's eyes.
"Oh... sorry Bonnie, I just thought -"

"It's fine. I mean... what a doozy that would have been. You and me?" She forced a laugh. "How terrible."

His face fell slightly, but tried to recover by joking. "Would have been the best night of your life Bon." As he winked at her.

"Well... Lucky Katie then." Bonnie said stiffly.

She got up and turned to her 4 friends.
"You know what, I'm feeling really tired you guys, I'm going to turn in. Goodnight"
She turned and walked up the stairs, letting her face fall from the fake smile she had been forcing, but not letting herself cry.

George looked confused as he watched her go. He stood up and sat back down on the chair that Bonnie had just vacated.
"That was weird right? She been weird for a few days have you guys noticed?"

The rest of the group looked at him flatly and said in unison "Yes".
George just blinked at them.

Upstairs, Bonnie rubbed her face vigorously trying to get the make up off, and perhaps some of her embarrassment too.

George thought they'd kissed. He thought they had kissed and that it was weird and has no idea why they would ever do that.
Bonnie screwed her face up at herself in the mirror.
"You're being dramatic. What else was he meant to say?" She crossly said to herself.

Crawling into bed and staring up at the canopy above her, Bonnie sighed.
She was so sick of feeling sorry for herself. But she pushed George out of her mind and tossed and turned until sleep found her.

Bonnie set out to the library after breakfast the next morning, to focus on her homework - hopefully alone in the peace and quiet. She found herself a quiet corner and started studying. Transfiguration was first up, she practiced turning a quill into a quaffle and back again, which turned out to be easier than she thought.

Her final homework project she left until last on purpose. It was Divination.
It may not have had anything to do with what was going on right now but the stars in general made her mad lately. They had made this all happen.

As she unrolled a fresh sheet of parchment to begin taking notes, she overhead hushed whispers in the aisle over from where she was seated. She didn't recognise the voices until one voice said the others name.

"You just have to go for it Katie! That kiss must have meant something if he did it again outside of the game!"

"I can't!" Came Katie's hushed response. "He is my mate! I mean he's hot... but no! It was just a drunken hook up. It didn't mean anything."

"Oh please, I see the way you look at him. Do not stand there and tell me you don't want a bite of that ginger-bread Katie!"

Katie shushed her friend, but giggling she responded "perhaps something like that.."

"Ask him to go for butterbeer. What the worst that could happen?"

Bonnie strained her ears, but their voices trailed off as they moved away from where she was sitting.
'No, no, no, no, NO!' Bonnie thought to herself. This can't be happening. George is single for 7 years, Bonnie finally realises she likes him, and suddenly another girl wants to ask him out?

Bonnie slammed her divination book shut.
"Stupid stars" she muttered.

"Oh hey now that's not fair, what did they ever do to you?"
George was standing over her, a grin plastered on his face.

'Oh George, if only you knew' she thought, smiling up at him through the internal pain.

Bonnie: Written In The  Stars - George Weasley Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora