Chapter 36

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In bed that night, Bonnie's head was still reeling from her passionate kiss with George, but also from Hermione figuring it out.
Bonnie had been cursing herself all day for deciding to wear make up, as it turned out to be undoing.
After Hermione had pointed out her smudged lipgloss, she had run upstairs to the bathroom. She had looked in the mirror and found her lipgloss was indeed subtly smudged below her lip and her foundation was faded around her mouth.

'Yuck' she thought as she gazed up at the canopy above her bed, kissing really was gross. But even as she thought that, a fresh wave of butterflies erupted in her stomach making her smile.
Bonnie couldn't wait for the morning so she could go see George again. She hoped he would be allowed to leave and rejoin classes soon, she missed seeing his cheerful, handsome face so much.

The next morning, Bonnie rose earlier than everyone else and got ready in a rush. She threw on her robes, smoothed down her hair and skipped the make up this time. She bolted down to the Great Hall that was flooded with morning sunshine through the huge arched windows, streaming onto the tiny smattering of students.
She shovelled porridge into her mouth, not taking much time to actually enjoy it, before she grabbed a blueberry muffin and a croissant in a napkin and took off again toward the hospital wing. 

Before she knew it, she was pushing the familiar large door open and was greeted with the smell of bandages. To Bonnie's delight, Madam Pomfrey was no where in sight, so she walked quickly down to George's bed where he was snoring lightly, flat on his back. He looked adorable with his ginger hair splayed over the pillow and the blankets tucked under his chin. He looked a little less red today which pleased Bonnie, this meant he was nearly healed.

As she tiptoed to his side, she stopped to notice 4 cards placed on his bedside table. She picked one up that had a bright bouquet of flowers on the front and read the inside.

Dear George,
Hope you get well soon. It's very impressive what you did with that potion, you may even have some scars to show for it, you'll look much like a bad boy.
If you need anything please send me an owl, I'll be happy to assist.
See you soon,
Marietta xx

Bonnie's mouth hung open. Marietta Edgecombe, the pretty, strawberry blonde Ravenclaw in 6th year?
'Girls like that he's hurt? They are attracted to it? Impressed even?' She thought wildly.
Surely not. She peeked at the other cards, low and behold every single one was from a a girl. Bonnie gut twisted in jealousy, which she hated. She had no right to be jealous, George was single and a free agent to do whatever he liked.

As she was stewing in her jealousy and self pity, George stirred beside her. Bonnie quickly placed the cards back as she found them and turned to face the red boy. His eyes flickered open sleepily as he yawned, which quickly turned into a yell as he caught sight of Bonnie standing over him.

"Oh crap, I'm so sorry George I didn't mean to scare you!"

His fright turned to a chuckle.
"You nearly made me pee myself Bon, I didn't realise you'd be here so early!"

She laughed as she handed him the muffin and croissant, which he took gleefully and started eating instantly.

Bonnie gestured toward the cards, forcing herself to look uninterested.
"Got admirers Weasley?"

He looked up from his food and kept chewing.
"Huh? Oh yeah, Pomfrey gave them to me last night. Turns out while I was napping I had a few visitors. I'm not going to lie, kind of glad I was asleep when they came. I hardly know any of these people, which is a little strange right?"

Bonnie smiled at his confusion.
"Come on George, don't you see? They are impressed and - dare I say it - turned on, by your injuries and bravery." She giggled.

George's face grew still and he glanced between Bonnie and the cards before his face split into a grin.
"You jealous Peers?"

"You wish Weasley." She responded, mocking him. But he was right. She was jealous.

The rest of Monday was a drag as Bonnie dwelled unnecessarily in the jealousy that was eating at her. She wished she wasn't like this.

Fred was telling her at lunchtime how he planned to break George out of the hospital wing and that all he needed was her foundation.

"It's perfectly simple Bonnie, when Pomfrey isn't looking, we will smear him with that foundation stuff you girls put on your face and bam! The red will be gone, rendering him healed."

"I don't think that's quite how healing works Freddie." Bonnie laughed.

He shook his head at her.
"No you don't get it. Just lend me your make up and I'll handle it."

"Absolutely not. Make up is expensive mate and I'm not about to lend it to you so you can fake George's miraculous recovery! Besides, George and I are different shades. He would look outrageous in my colour."

"His colour right now is red Bonnie. Anything is better than that."

Bonnie rolled her eyes and stood to go to her next class. Fred waved her off with a dismissive hand and turned to Hermione to begin pestering her for her makeup, which was met with a displeased glare as Bonnie walked out.

The next morning Bonnie didn't rush to get out of bed. She decided to see George after school finished instead of before, that way she wouldn't be rushed.
She made her way down the moving staircases and into the great hall with Angelina. They sat and began to eat, chatting airily about the days classes.
Suddenly, as Bonnie was half way through chewing her toast, they heard the hall erupt half into whispers and half into whoops and shouts. The two girls turned toward the doors and saw a triumphant George strutting toward where they were sitting. He seemed extremely proud of the way he was being hailed a hero, and Bonnie couldn't help but cheer along with them.

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