Chapter 35

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Bonnie's heart dropped at the sight of George crying, it simply broke her heart. Sadness was etched on the red boys face, she had never seen him like this before.
She quietly crept to his side and laced her fingers through his. His eyes snapped open and he rubbed his free hand against his eyes, brushing away his tears.

He paused upon seeing her and as he comprehended that she was here right now, he clutched her hand tighter.
"Bon, it's you. You're back." He said softly.

"I couldn't leave you like that. You looked... upset George. You're upset. What's the matter?" She gently stroked his hand and sat on the side of his bed as he scooched over slightly to make room.

He looked down at their hands intertwined numbly.
"I don't know. I just feel really lonely Bonnie, I'm not used to being all by myself like this. I come from a huge family at home, and I have an even bigger family here at Hogwarts. I guess... I'm not used to being by myself. I just don't like having so much time to think. That's all I have to do in here and it's bloody miserable. Unless I want to catch up on my homework, which is even more depressing."

Bonnie smiled kindly at him and reached over to tuck his hair out of his face. George looked into her eyes and caught her hand as she touched his hair.
"You know Bon, I'm not sure what this is, but I like it. I like being touched by you. Kissing you last night was... well bloody fantastic to tell you the truth." He let out a small chuckle and planted a small kiss on the back of her hand.

"Going to have to agree with you there Weasley." She winked at him, smiling. She was working extremely hard to keep her face from reflecting the intense fireworks going off in her stomach right now. However, George had that knowing look in his eye.

"You know, you have to stop trying to be so emotionless Peers. I can see something in your eyes, you're not as good at hiding it as you think." He sat forward in his bed so his face was inches from hers.
"Stop holding back" he whispered and paused, his eyes smouldering into hers.

Bonnie paused too, taking a moment to admire this beautiful man so close to her. Then she gave in and did what he was wordlessly telling her to do.
She slowly bought both hands up and wrapped them around the back of his neck, pulling his face closer to hers. After a moment more of contemplating his beautiful eyes, Bonnie pressed her lips to George's, hard. He quickly placed his arms around her waist and pressed her body to his, kissing her desperately. His tongue ran its way across her bottom lip expertly and it made her shiver with excitement. She knew George had some experience in this area, but she had no idea he would be so good at it. Their hands were exploring each other and it felt like their bodies were becoming one.

Both of them froze mid kiss as they heard a door closing footsteps coming in their direction. Bonnie tore her lips away from George's unwillingly and looked at him with wide eyes.
"Pomfrey." She breathed. "I was meant to be gone by the time she got back."

George winced as he leapt out of bed suddenly. He pressed a finger to her lips and kissed her forehead quickly before stumbling out through the curtains, toward the sound of the footsteps.
Bonnie's mouth was agape as she sat frozen on the bed, waiting to see what he was about to do.

"Mr Weasley! What on earth are you doing out of bed! You must rest. Get back in there this instant!" Came Pomfrey's shrill voice.

"I'm sorry, I was only wondering where you kept that brilliant potion that made the pain go away. My burnt arse is killing me from constantly sitting on it." George's voice sounded pained and Bonnie wasn't sure if it was even an act or not at this stage.

"Oh very well Weasley. I will fetch it. Get back into bed and stay there." She bossed, before Bonnie heard her turn around and walk back in the other direction and the door opened again.
She heard George's footsteps quickly coming back as he hissed "Go, go, go Bonnie! Now's your chance! Hurry before she comes back."

Bonnie leapt to her feet and jogged to meet George a few beds down. She planted a kiss on his lips as he winked at her and grinned, pushing her gently toward the door.

"I will come back tomorrow before school starts." She promised and jogged out of the room silently.
The whole walk back to the common room Bonnie was tingling for her head to her toes. If this is what being with George felt like, she never wanted it to end. The tricky part would be telling the others.

'What if he doesn't want them to know. What if I'm just a nice side distraction?' Bonnie thought.
She couldn't help but let the bad thoughts in. It was always likely that George didn't see this as something serious and preferred to steal kisses behind their friends backs. Bonnie had to admit it was more exciting that way. Nevertheless, she was delirious with lust and excitement at the mere thought of that boy.

When she arrived back to the common room the others had already seated themselves around the fire and were chatting as happily as it used to be before George's accident happened.

"Oi, took you long enough. What were you doing?" Fred questioned her suspiciously.
The group turned to face her, waiting for her answer.

"Uh... Ran into McGonogall. Asked her a question about our assignment." She lied.

Hermione nodded along with the rest of their friends but got up to walk over to her as the others got back to their conversation.
She pulled Bonnie by the arm toward the window overlooking the school grounds on an overcast day.

With a smile, Hermione asked in a quiet but overly casual tone,
"So, you and George huh? Yeah, clean up your lipgloss Bon, your snog session is showing."

Bonnie: Written In The  Stars - George Weasley Where stories live. Discover now